
Adam Weinstein · 04/22/14 02:49PM

How do you really screw up a chart? This is how you really screw up a chart.

A Field Guide to Straightsplaining

Rich Juzwiak · 02/07/14 12:45PM

If you want to know about gay people—their lives, their desires, their ideas, their cultures—listen to gay people. If you want to know about straight people, listen to straight people talking about gay people.

Scarlett Johansson, Oxfam, SodaStream, and Israel/Palestine Explained

Adam Weinstein · 01/30/14 10:55AM

Bombshell actress and Obama campaigner Scarlett Johansson surprised plenty of people today by parting with the social justice charity Oxfam over her decision to star in a series of ads promoting Sodastream, an Israel-based company. What the hell happened? Here's everything you need to know.

What Is Duck Dynasty and What Does It Have to Do With a Man's Anus?

Taylor Berman · 12/19/13 01:18PM

You, my fellow godless, sarcastic, coastal elites, may recently have heard something about a reality TV show called Duck Dynasty. Specifically, one of its main cast members said some homophobic and racist shit that earned him an indefinite suspension from the show. The controversy, of course, has generated stupid reactions the usual idiots. But let's go back a step, because you're probably thinking to yourself, "What the fuck is a Duck Dynasty?" Let me explain.

Serious Stuff Is About to Go Down in Ukraine

Adam Weinstein · 12/09/13 12:57PM

As protests against Ukraine's president intensified over the weekend, the Russian-backed head of state suggested he'd meet with opposition leaders. But that didn't stop him from sending riot police into the heart of Kiev Monday to storm his opponents' offices, shut down demonstrators' camps, and run them off.

A Non Sports Fan's Guide to the Racist Abuse Scandal Consuming the NFL

Taylor Berman · 11/12/13 10:45AM

You, person deeply uninterested this whole "sports" thing, have probably heard at least something about the growing racist bullying scandal involving two professional football players, one of whom has the unbelievable and yet real name of "Richie Incognito." But you'd like to know more, and you're much too embarrassed to ask your sports-loving co-workers and friends what's going on. Worry not! Here's a non sports fan's guide to the strange and sad tale of Jonathan Martin and Richie Incognito.

The Clusterfuck of NSA's Spying on World Leaders: An Explainer

Taylor Berman · 10/30/13 03:41PM

For the past half-year, classified documents leaked by ex-NSA contractor Edward Snowden have revealed dozens of details about the U.S. government's spying operations. But the past ten days have been especially hectic, and especially complicated: First, we heard that the NSA has been spying on... well, basically of our allies and their leaders, and reportedly without the knowledge of President Obama; then the NSA said that wasn't true. It's all very confusing. Let us explain.

What the Fuck Is Ted Cruz Doing? An Explainer

Taylor Berman · 09/24/13 03:28PM

Ted Cruz, right now, is speaking "in opposition to Obamacare" until he is "no longer able to stand." Who the fuck is this guy, and what the fuck is he doing?

Is Rebel Wilson Fat?

Rich Juzwiak · 09/16/13 03:58PM

Is Australian comedian Rebel Wilson fat? Does anyone know? Lynn Hirschberg, maybe?

How Should You Feel About Bombing Syria? A Guide

Max Read · 08/30/13 05:04PM

President Obama says he hasn't yet made a decision about intervening in the Syrian civil war as a response to last week's devastating chemical-weapons attack. And if he hasn't, why would you have, especially since it's Labor Day weekend and you're trying to figure out how to grill scallops, exactly, like, just throw them on there, or what? Well: We're here to help. Here are four opinions you can have about the U.S. options:

"Can I Say Twerk?" A Miley Cyrus Glossary for Whites

Caity Weaver · 08/29/13 09:30AM

On Sunday, the Lord’s day, Miley Cyrus crawled out of a big teddy bear (that had eaten her, I guess?) and pitched around the stage of a multi-purpose indoor Brooklyn arena in what another century might have labeled “the latter stages of female hysteria.” She licked her mouth a lot. She knocked her butt, clad in rubber underpants, into the crotch of a married man 16 years her senior. It was her dad’s birthday.

What the Hell Is Going On With Russia and Gays?: An Explainer

Rich Juzwiak · 07/26/13 04:27PM

The following video, widely circulated on social media, shows a Russian teen being tortured by a Neo-Nazi gang that suspects him of being gay. It seems likely that the clip—like the photo above, taken at a St. Petersburg gay-rights rally in June—will become iconic for the same reasons the famous photographs of Emmett Till's corpse did when they were published in Jet in 1955: It's excruciating to endure and potentially galvanizing because of it. Says Spectrum Human Rights Alliance:

What's the Deal with the Immigration Reform Bill? A Guide

Max Read · 06/27/13 03:44PM

A comprehensive immigration reform bill just passed through the Senate, and you need to know what's in it (so you can most effectively fight with your old neighbor on Facebook). Here's your easy-to-understand guide to the Senate's bill and the current status of immigration reform.

Your Guide to the TWA 800 Conspiracy and Its New Truther Documentary

Max Read · 06/21/13 11:20AM

Remember the '90s? Snap bracelets? 'N Sync? Friends? Accusing the Navy of taking down a U.S. passenger plane with a missile? That's right—our favorite '90s conspiracy theory is back, thanks to a new documentary purporting to show "new evidence" that TWA Flight 800 crashed because it was hit by a missile. Here's everything you need to know.

What Is Going on in Turkey and Do I Really Need to Care?

Max Read · 06/03/13 02:30PM

Thousands of people have gathered in Istanbul and elsewhere in Turkey, organizing under the hashtag "Occupy Gezi" and broadcasting scenes of brutal police violence to the world. But why are they there? What are they protesting? And do I need to care? Let's figure it out.