
MTanzer · 12/08/12 03:31PM

The WSJ reports that millennials are more likely to be Facebook friends with exes than with a current significant other.

New York Times Bureau Chief Isn't Chief of Her Own Tweets

John Cook · 11/28/12 04:29PM

Jodi Rudoren, the weirdly named Jerusalem bureau chief of the New York Times, likes to keep in touch with friends and readers via the social networking web sites Twitter.com and Facebook.com, as literate human beings in the developed world are often wont to do these days. But she is a Timeswoman! And since someone, somewhere, might object to Rudoren's musings if they are reproduced without the intercession of a bureaucrat tasked with draining them of all immediacy and character, she is now being assigned a Twitter Editor.

Robert Kessler · 10/04/12 09:43AM

Start poking, there are officially one billion people on Facebook. That's one in seven citizens of this world of ours.

Here's How to Quickly Opt Out of Facebook's Latest Attempt to Stalk You

Cord Jefferson · 09/24/12 02:45PM

Facebook's newest partnership will not allay the fears of anyone worried the company is going to get increasingly nosy in order turn a profit. The social-networking behemoth has a new partnership with an organization called Datalogix, which tracks millions of Americans' spending habits with loyalty cards at more than 1,000 retailers.