
Shun Your Fake Facebook Friends with This New Feature

Ryan Tate · 09/13/11 02:30PM

Finally, Facebook is helping users create a list of real friends inside their official friends list. There's no need to share everything with everyone, after all. But watch out, because people will know when they're downgraded to your D-list. (Update below.)

Facebook's Profits Are Exploding

Ryan Tate · 09/07/11 12:33PM

Facebook's profits are on track to reach nearly $1 billion this year, Reuters reports, as revenue doubles. Selling your private moments to advertisers has never been more lucrative.

Facebook Date Used as Getaway Driver in Robbery

Max Read · 09/03/11 09:05AM

We've all been on bad dates, am I right? Like, when you're out with a guy and he says he needs to go to the betting parlor before dinner? Talk about a bad date! And then he runs out of the shop holding a knife in a sack of cash screaming "DRIVE! DRIVE! DRIVE!"?

Facebook and Twitter Will Teach Oprah How to Be Popular

Adrian Chen · 09/02/11 12:13PM

Oprah is the Queen of All Media, except the internet, apparently. Traffic on her website has plummeted since she quit her TV show in May, and now she's seeking help from Facebook and Twitter to boost her stats.

Facebook Defeated by Lamebook

Ryan Tate · 08/31/11 05:48PM

Facebook might call it a settlement, but there's no question that the gigantic social network is effectively surrendering to scrappy Austin, Texas mockery hub Lamebook. The two sides have ended a federal lawsuit with Lamebook keeping its name and Facebook-like logo, and Facebook slinking back to California.

Who Is 'The Facebook Racist'?

Lauri Apple · 08/28/11 08:42PM

While many of us spent our weekends complaining about Irene and all media coverage of said under-performing storm, other things in the world happened! For example: South African police launched an investigation into a photo that depicts a smiling, pale-skinned man—rifle in hand—kneeling over what appears to be the lifeless body of a little brown-skinned boy.

Did Sean Parker Just Dance on Steve Jobs's Professional Grave?

Ryan Tate · 08/25/11 12:07PM

Sean Parker, immortalized in The Social Network as a hard-partying playboy, was up early this morning. Around 6 am, the former Facebook president posted a quote to his profile concerning "the deaths of our enemies." It's hard to escape the conclusion that he was referring to Steve Jobs. (Update: Parker responds to this story below.)

Google Snitches About How We Actually Use the Internet

Ryan Tate · 08/24/11 05:47PM

Google has updated its list of the most visited sites on the web, and it looks like Facebook got one trillion pageviews in a single month. Gee, all the hard core internet research we've all been doing at work and all the serious essays and poetry we've been reading at home must be in Google's statistics somewhere, right?

Facebook Is Building an Eerie Cult Temple

Ryan Tate · 08/23/11 02:08PM

Facebook just filed plans to massively expand its campus into a largely self sufficient complex, complete with doctor's offices, laundry services, tribal "garages," and an open pit for roasting dead animals. Just in case the social network and its 27-year-old CEO didn't resemble Lord of the Flies enough already.

Facebook Turns Schools Into Hellscapes of Abuse and Hysteria

Ryan Tate · 08/22/11 02:59PM

A survey by British principals found teachers fear Facebook more than they fear official schools inspectors, with 20 percent having received online abuse or threats. It's just the latest evidence that people turn into Facebook maniacs when school is involved.

See a Secret List of Who You're Stalking Most on Facebook

Adrian Chen · 08/18/11 09:43AM

Facebook stalking is a lonely pursuit. But you've got company whenever you ogle your friends' impossibly interesting lives: Facebook's watching your every move. Now you can reveal a secret list of who Facebook thinks you've been stalking the most.

Teacher of the Year Suspended For Telling Facebook That Gays Make Him Want to Barf

Seth Abramovitch · 08/18/11 01:02AM

Jerry Buell, Teacher of the Year at Mount Dora High School north of Orlando, has been suspended pending an investigation into some super-cool comments he made on his Facebook page. The social studies teacher wrote that he "almost threw up" when he heard that same-sex marriage had been legalized in New York. He thinks same-sex marriage is a "cesspool" and a "sin." Rock on, Mister B.! I "like" this! LOL!

How Close Did This Guy Get to Hacking Facebook?

Adrian Chen · 08/17/11 01:11PM

A British man was released on bail today after he was busted trying to break into Facebook. According to the authorities, he allegedly "secured access" to Facebook servers repeatedly. So how close did he get to taking control of the social network's 700 million accounts?

Bono's Company Made $800 Million On Facebook

Ryan Tate · 08/17/11 12:29PM

Elevation Partners, which counts U2 frontman Bono and guitarist The Edge as investors, has seen its November 2009 investment in Facebook more than quadruple. And the gains are poised to grow even more.

High School Girls Have the Right to Upload Lewd Pictures

Ryan Tate · 08/16/11 07:22PM

It's official: High school girls have a constitutionally protected right to post to Facebook pictures of themselves in lingerie toying with phallic lollipops. America is not Saudi Arabia, you know! We are not under Sharia law (yet).

Facebook Could Disprove Six Degrees of Separation

Ryan Tate · 08/16/11 06:14PM

Yahoo researchers are trying to update the 50-year-old experiment that established the idea that most people are connected by just five acquaintances. Where the old study asked subjects to forward letters, the new one simply connects people through Facebook. The more modern approach could actually demolish old assumptions.

Mother Allegedly Beat Son for Having a Facebook Page

Lauri Apple · 08/14/11 10:58AM

Althea Ricketts says that where she comes from, hitting kids with computer cables is a "common" way to discipline them. This is ostensibly why she allegedly she beat her son with a computer cable for having a Facebook page.