
Facebook's Insanely Aggressive War on Critics

Ryan Tate · 05/26/11 03:12PM

Facebook really doesn't want you criticizing its technology. Especially via a domain name you bought for that very purpose. That's why the social network has assumed control of such incredibly specific domain names as IHateTheFacebookLikeButton.com. Paranoid much?

Are Your Facebook Friends Cool Enough To Pick Your Music?

Ryan Tate · 05/25/11 06:03PM

Good news: Miraculous internet jukebox Spotify will reportedly power Facebook's music service, bringing the world closer to a future in which music is much more freely shared, suggested and collaboratively compiled. As it should be.

The U.S. Army Will Tweet Its Way to Global Dominance

Adrian Chen · 05/25/11 05:38PM

Although they have super-advanced stealth helicopters that make your eyes automatically burst into flames if you even look at them, the U.S. Army is always years behind when it comes to the technology the rest of us use. They've just discovered social media!

Facebook Playboy: 'I'm a Victim' of Facebook Users

Ryan Tate · 05/25/11 01:27PM

Sean Parker said he's been "abused and maligned" by random gossips on Facebook and Twitter. These people have"commandeered my identity," the former Facebook president said. Welcome to the club, Sean.

Why Not Let Little Kids on Facebook?

Adrian Chen · 05/24/11 05:11PM

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is taking heat for recent comments he made about how he'd like to let kids under 13 on Facebook. Let the kids play, we say.

Now Egypt Has a Facebook Anti-Revolution

Adrian Chen · 05/19/11 03:16PM

It was always overly-simplistic to refer to Egypt's uprising as a "Facebook revolution," especially considering how difficult Facebook made it for protestors to organize. Add to that the fact that the revolution's opponents are making ample use of social networking sites as well.

Old Reporter Outraged that Young Press Secretary Is on Facebook

Hamilton Nolan · 05/19/11 02:48PM

In your odd Thursday media column: an old reporter goes on a Facebook-shaming rampage, the Boston Globe is suddenly "not for sale," Dick Ebersol retires, Bill Keller is still talking, and Al Gore says News Corp's censoring his network.

Facebook Boosts Its Anti-Child Porn Technology

Adrian Chen · 05/19/11 01:31PM

Just last week, Florida police found 36 images of child porn on a Florida man's Facebook page. Last year an "international child porn ring" was busted on Facebook. In a bid to help catch future pervs, Facebook is rolling out some brand new anti-kiddie porn technology.

Stephen Colbert Loves Facebook's Crazy New Photo Tagging Feature

Matt Cherette · 05/19/11 03:19AM

In April, Facebook tried to lure advertisers with a promotional package that highlighted the social network's ability to market to an "exact audience." Then, last week, a new feature allowing users to tag products and corporations—even celebrities!—in their photos went live. And while many will undoubtedly scoff at Facebook's latest privacy-encroaching move, Stephen Colbert couldn't help but be excited by it, and he used tonight's Report to shower the company with praise.

Facebook Twins Will Take Hopeless Lawsuit to Supreme Court

Adrian Chen · 05/17/11 10:13AM

You didn't think the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals telling Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss to go away forever would actually get them to drop their crap Facebook lawsuit, did you? They're taking this thing all the way to the Supreme Court!

Infuriating Twins Must Leave For Eternity, Court Rules

Ryan Tate · 05/16/11 04:35PM

Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss must go away and never come back, ever, with their whining about how they only made, like, $100 million+ on their Facebook settlement, said the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. No, Tyler. No, Cameron. Just: No.

A Baby Named 'Like'

Adrian Chen · 05/16/11 11:55AM

An Israeli couple has named their newborn daughter "Like." It's unclear if Facebook was the direct inspiration for their choice, given that the father doesn't really use Facebook. But, still, pretty cruel!

Facebook Twins Get Sued For Doing What They Always Whine About

Adrian Chen · 05/13/11 01:43PM

Boston businessman Wayne Chang claims that the Winklevoss twins elbowed him out of the $65 million settlement Facebook paid them back in 2008. Chang partnered with the Winklevii on their failed ConnectU project—the idea they claim Mark Zuckeberg stole and turned into Facebook— and he says this entitles him to a portion of the ginormous settlement, of which he currently has $0.

Facebook Admits To Covert Google Bashing

Ryan Tate · 05/12/11 12:22PM

Facebook's craftiness has backfired—again. The company just admitted it was behind a shadowy PR effort to plant negative stories about how Google is destroying your privacy.

Why You Should Probably Change Your Facebook Password

Ryan Tate · 05/11/11 06:30PM

Security researchers discovered that Facebook leaked user access tokens to advertisers, exposing their chat, photos and profiles. Facebook says there's no evidence any such data was used, but the security guys suggest changing your password, and you should probably listen.

How Google Spies on Your Gmail Account (And How To Stop It)

Ryan Tate · 05/11/11 01:59PM

In Google's war with Facebook, Google's "don't be evil" motto could be a casualty. The search engine is now leveraging your private Gmail information to get an edge in the social networking wars. It's creepy.