
Watch a Man Named Fruitcake Take a Fall on Winter Wipeout

Eliana Larramendia · 01/07/11 06:30PM

Winter Wipeout is embarrassing for everyone involved. Watch this clip where the contestant, on location presenter, and commentators compete to make you wince. It's a shame the contestant, Fruitcake (yes, Fruitcake) is the only one who falls on his face.

Girl Rocket Launched Off Mega Slip and Slide

Richard Blakeley · 01/06/11 02:10PM

Watch what happens when a group of people build a mega slip and slide on the side of a giant hill with a launch pad at the bottom. The results are predictably hilarious.

Man's House Demolished by Mistake

Marie Bardi · 01/06/11 09:45AM

Owing to an unfortunate mixup, Andre Hall came home after the holidays to find his house razed to the ground instead of the condemned property next door. Pittsburgh City officials blame a contractor for the mixup. Whoops?

Guy Uses a Tree as a Spare Tire

Richard Blakeley · 12/28/10 04:10PM

We're not really sure if this is the best or worst idea ever, but it most certainly isn't street legal.

Meet Tom O'C. He's Proven that Auto-Tune Can't Fix Everything

Christopher Han · 12/26/10 01:30PM

Would you like to hear the worst auto-tune ever? Tom O'C recorded this gem, and it's matched up to a slide-show of pictures of him in his office, with his ladies, and in his Benz. He's taken down his website.

The Top 5 Christmas Movie Fails

Morgan Modjeski · 12/25/10 10:30AM

Christmas movies always have some strange underlying message usually to not be selfish, but the truth is some of them are pretty comical. In every Christmas movie the main character gets owned at least once. Here are the best.

Three Minutes of Amazing Accidents

Richard Blakeley · 12/24/10 12:00PM

From epic car crashes to painful looking nut shots here are three minutes of accidents that will leave you feeling better about traveling over the holidays.

Is This the Worst Start to a Wedding Ever?

Matt Cherette · 12/09/10 04:37PM

When planning your dream wedding, do you fantasize about things like annoying trumpet players, bread piñatas attached to tree branches, and groomsmen falling into dumpsters? No? Well, in that case, you probably won't want to emulate these nuptials. Watch inside.