
Poor Guy on Fox Business Live Can't Get a Word In

Andrew Throdahl · 10/08/10 10:00AM

Don't you hate it when you can't get a word in edgewise? Well, they were talking about something on Fox today and this poor guest just stuttered in the background while everyone yacked off. Trust me, this is hilarious.

ANTM: Conveyor Belts + Four-Inch Stilletos = Hilarity

Adrian Muniz · 10/07/10 09:45AM

This season of Top Model is supposed to be about high fashion. But as you all know, where there's a high theres always undoubtedly a low. With that in mind, watch as every single contestant tumbles during their runway challenge.

Angry Man Bashes Elevator with His Scooter, Falls Down Shaft

Matt Cherette · 10/06/10 04:42PM

And the winner of next year's Darwin Award is.... this guy! Watch as a man rams his motorized scooter into an elevator after missing it, ultimately breaking the panels and, sadly, plummeting to his eventual death. (Video isn't graphic, FYI.)

This Is What Happens When You Try to Do a 360 on a Swing

Matt Cherette · 10/06/10 04:10PM

In today's edition of, "What'd you think was going to happen?" we have this: two guys help a third do a 360 on a swing, and—while the first few rotations were successful—he ends up being a human torpedo.

Jeopardy Contest Drops F-Bomb After Missing Star Wars Question

Kate Shapiro · 09/28/10 04:47PM

A contestant on Jeopardy dropped the F bomb when he got a wrong question to a $400 dollar question about Star Wars. Can't say we blame him. That was a really easy question and he missed it on national television.

Here Is the Worst "Magician" Ever

Matt Cherette · 09/28/10 12:35PM

OH LAWD is this bad. Like, really, really bad. Here's a video of a girl performing a magic trick—making herself disappear, I suppose. The thing, though, is that she fails. Miserably. Get your Tuesday schadenfreude fix on, inside.

Two Dolphins Collide in an Epic, Nautical Fail

Kate Shapiro · 09/28/10 12:12PM

Don't they say dolphins are supposed to be really smart or something? This video features a collision of epic dolphin proportions. This is what the bottlenose dolphin gets for being such a show-off. A majestic fall from grace.

Girl Caught Eating Her Boogers During News Broadcast

Liz Day · 09/27/10 03:46PM

In the background of a live newsroom shot, this worker bee looks right at the camera... and decides to pick her nose. As if that wasn't bad enough, she then decides to eat the booger! Watch the embarrassing video inside.

Pitcher Takes a Line Drive Off His Head, Hilarity Ensues

Dan Grappone · 09/22/10 04:19PM

Watch as this pitcher takes a baseball to the head, courtesy of his bat weilding buddy. To add insult to injury, the batter then proceeds to ROFL. It's a perfect example of someone laughing at you, not with you.

One Police Officer's Admirable Attempt at the National Anthem

Sarah Prial · 09/21/10 03:11PM

There's very few things harder than putting yourself out there—especially singing the National Anthem. One police officer's off-key rendition of the National Anthem may make you cringe, but A+ for effort. He's a braver person than most.

Grown Man Has Nervous Breakdown On Amusement Park Ride

Kate Shapiro · 09/16/10 03:43PM

This brave young man puts his fear of being launched into the air aside to ride an amusement park ride with his friend. Once they get launched into the air; however, he starts screaming for his mother.

So You Think You Can Pole Dance?

Matt Cherette · 09/13/10 01:25PM

Pole dancing is hard, y'all. It takes skill, discipline, practice, and—first and foremost—a pole that won't snap when you attempt to wrap your legs around it. Unfortunately for this girl, her grandma's bedpost couldn't take the erotic heat.

Choir Boy Faints, Falls Through Two Rows of Singers

Annie Fleming · 09/13/10 09:40AM

At an intense middle school choir concert, a young man is so moved by the music that he topples through his unsuspecting fellow singers. And yes, it is possible to faint with your eyes open.