Fashion Meets Finance, Is Bored
Hamilton Nolan · 01/23/09 02:01PM'Fashion Meets Finance' 2: Post-Apocalyptic Dating
Hamilton Nolan · 01/14/09 04:00PM"Can I Call You Uncle Bill?" A Harrowing Account of Fashion Meets Finance
Sheila · 06/06/08 09:49AM
Yesterday, we told you about Pocketchange's Fashion Meets Finance douche-dating event, which would enjoin members of two equally vicious industries: fashion and finance. "The claim 'I am in finance' is a heavily weighted statement,'" you know! Luckily, a wily tipster named Jose smuggled himself into the event. And the things he saw at this douche-dating festival were truly an example of the Way Some of Us Live Now. "Um, so where do you live again? I'll get the cab..."
Fashion, Finance Douche-Dating Event: For People Who Deserve Each Other
Sheila · 06/05/08 10:52AM
"Ladies," yells the website for Pocket Change's Fashion Meets Finance event, which promises to enjoin members of two of the most vapid, vicious professions. "You no longer need to worry that the cute guy at the bar works in advertising... in New York City you are defined by what you do and the dating world has to follow the same rules. The claim 'I am in finance' is a heavily weighted statement.'" It's heavy 'cause they're trying to compensate! But seriously: "Women in fashion need men who can facilitate their pre-30 marriage/retirement plan, and men in finance need women who will allow them to leverage their career in their dating equity." Let's meet some of the potential attendees who have RSVP'd to tonight's event!
Jeremy Abelson is Back... and Sponsorless
cityfile · 06/03/08 09:21AM
Notorious douchebag Jeremy Abelson is back with another lame singles event. Better known by his alter-ego, Richard Nouveau, Abelson is the man behind Pocket Change NYC, the site responsible for coordinating a bunch of stupid dating events/publicity stunts over the past couple of years, including Natural Selection Speed Dating II, which was restricted to "sugar mamas" with more than $4 million in assets. (The first iteration was only open to men who made more than $500K a year, which Neel Shah memorably crashed.) That Abelson's events seem to attract perverts (hello Paul Janka!) hasn't put a damper on his ability to stir up press: The greasy wannabe has made appearances on The Early Show and Dr. Phil, describing luxuries that Abelson has only sampled because of the publicity he can generate, not because he can actually afford any of it. (The Ferrari he's sitting in above? Borrowed from Gotham Dream Cars.) But his latest stunt, scheduled for June 5th, looks like it's already in trouble!