'Fashion Meets Finance' 2: Post-Apocalyptic Dating

We may have resurrect the word "Douchebag" for a day, because it's time for another "Fashion Meets Finance" Douche-Dating extravaganza! Jim Cramer will be there! And we have the entire list of attendees:
You may recall that the first FMF event this past summer—in the golden age of Wall Street—produced a harrowing first-hand account, as well as the case of the mysterious fake hedge fund dater Prescott Hahn, fashion girl con man extraordinaire. Who will be the stars of this new event, coming in headier days for the finance world? Hundreds of people are on the list for the event (See them all here). Many are, hopefully, fake! If they have any damn sense. But that doesn't mean that true love connections will not be made. The douche bankers are well represented:

I-bankers will have their chance to connect with celebrity fashion journalists from Vouge magazine:

Sadly, not all could make the cut:

But for those who do, the reward is great:

Needless to say, gold diggers and I-banking assholes: please send us a full report.