
Wendy's: Where the Beef Is Real

Jeff Neumann · 06/13/10 02:46PM

Advice for fast food servers: Don't mess with someone's BBQ Bacon Double Jr Cheeseburger Deluxe, or you might regret it. Just ask the Michigan Wendy's drive-thru employee who fought back against obnoxious customers, and set off a huge brawl.

Subway: Eat Fresh. Live Green. Get Diarrhea.

Jeff Neumann · 06/10/10 06:20AM

Subway is gross, but just in case you live in Illinois and want to "take a bite out of summer," perhaps you should think twice—60 people who have eaten there are reported to have Salmonella poisoning. [FPJ]

Inside Goldman Sachs' White Castle Hamburger-Eating Contest

Jeff Neumann · 04/26/10 04:28AM

Did you know that traders at the troubled investment bank are legendary health nuts? It's true! So could a fastfood eating contest between 10 mortgage traders at the firm have lead to the housing market collapse of 2007?

Starbucks Will Now Take Over Asia

Hamilton Nolan · 04/13/10 09:38AM

Here in America, Starbucks has already transformed itself from a safe haven for aspirational faux-yuppies into a place for hobos to hang out. But abroad, Starbucks' slate is still clean. China and India: Starbucks is coming for your culture money.

How Should KFC Follow up Their All-Meat, No-Bun 'Sandwich'?

Max Read · 04/04/10 11:00AM

The "Double Down," a new menu option from KFC, is your standard grilled-cheese-and-bacon sandwich, except they've replaced the bread. With two hunks of fried chicken. What else can be replaced by fried chicken? We explore the wondrous possibilities.

Big Chik-fil-A Fan Terrifies Chik-fil-A

Hamilton Nolan · 03/17/10 09:37AM

Four times, Texas pastor Jesse Martin has traveled to grand openings of Chik-fil-A restaurants—even camping overnight—to win a free year's supply of Chik-fil-A food. His passion for chicken burns so bright it seems to discomfit even Chik-fil-A itself.