Lionel Shriver's Paragraph on the "Crack High" of Beauty Is Perfect
Rich Juzwiak · 08/13/13 04:16PM
For New York magazine's fall fashion interview, Lionel Shriver (known for novels like We Need To Talk About Kevin and So Much for That, as well as her journalism) wrote an essay about beauty and obesity and their manifestations in literature and life. The whole of "Warning: I Will Employ the Word 'Fat'" (posted two days ago on online) is terrific, but this early paragraph on feeling beautiful is particularly perfect:
Article Explains Why Gay Men Feel Insecure By Reminding Them How Fat and Gross They Are
Louis Peitzman · 08/21/12 10:19PMHamilton Nolan · 08/20/12 02:44PM
Fat Old Women: Now That's Funny
Hamilton Nolan · 12/27/11 03:19PMFat-Assed Lawmaker Overheard Bitching about Michelle Obama's 'Large Posterior'
Max Read · 12/22/11 12:07PM
Wisconsin Republican Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner hates how Michelle Obama is constantly forcing sickening Muslim traditions like "vegetables" and "exercise" on the youth of America—especially when she herself is so disgustingly corpulent, in the butt area. He hates it so much he can't even keep quiet about it!