Today's Song: Blur 'To the End'
Rich Juzwiak · 08/03/12 03:36PMEarlier this week, Brit-pop's finest Blur released Blur 21, an exhaustive box set featuring expanded versions of all seven of their studio albums, bonus discs of demos and outtakes and a few DVDs. It's over 20 hours of music. Blur has long represented something very particular in my life whatever the time (Damon Albarn is the first guy I ever allowed myself to acknowledge being attracted to) and with this insurmountable deluge of media, now is no exception.
Demi Moore, Queen of Flops
Rich Juzwiak · 08/03/12 02:27PM
This week's home-video release of LOL marks Demi Moore's tenth straight bomb. The film, which Lionsgate virtually buried during its miniscule theatrical run, took in a reported $46,500 at the domestic box office — about $10.95 million less than its budget. The movie is bad, the reason the Razzies exist.
Huffington Post Now Citing Adult Baby Diaper Fetish Forums for Race-Baiting News
Max Read · 08/03/12 01:35PM
A few days ago, Pulitzer prize-winning leftist cocaine site Huffington Post broke the news that Louisiana's Rayville Elementary — currently receiving a "failing" grade from the state — won't allow white students to transfer out due a federal desegregation ruling from 1986. A perfect article to be circulated as evidence of reverse racism! And all it needed was a little bit of "here's the reaction around the web" padding courtesy a quote from the forum ADISC.org.
Olympic Sports That Should Be Combined
Hamilton Nolan · 08/03/12 11:30AMHere's the Restaurant Where Olympic Officials Allegedly Rang Up a $70,000 Tab
Max Read · 08/02/12 04:08PM
This receipt, with its grand total of £44,660 — about $70,000 — was posted on Reddit yesterday with the headline "My friend's a waiter and this is a receipt for an official lunch for 15 Olympic Bosses. Now we see where all the money's going..." We found the restaurant where the supposed lunch took place.
Today's Song: Homeboy Sandman 'Whatchu Want from Me'
Rich Juzwiak · 08/02/12 01:00PMLong live boom-bap.
Hey, Mitt Romney, Your Horse Didn't Win the Olympics
Max Read · 08/02/12 12:02PM
Mitt Romney didn't watch his wife's horse Rafalca compete in the Olympics — "I'm not even sure which day the sport goes on," he said to NBC last week. "I will not be watching the event. I hope her horse does well." —so it falls to us to break the news to him: Mitt, the horse participated in dressage today. And it did well, but it didn't medal.
Iran's Supreme Leader Joins Instagram, Instagram Is No Longer Cool
Adrian Chen · 08/02/12 10:46AMJared Diamond on Mitt Romney Citing His Book: 'I Have to Doubt Whether He Read It.'
Max Read · 08/02/12 10:31AMPennsylvania Lawmaker Who Compared Birth Control Mandate To 9/11, Pearl Harbor, Etc. About To Die
A.J. Daulerio · 08/01/12 04:58PMToday's Song: Cooly G featuring Simbad 'Landscapes'
Rich Juzwiak · 08/01/12 03:45PMThis song has been around for a while, but England's Cooly G released her full-length, Playin' Me, on which "Landscapes" appears just a few weeks ago. It's a stunning piece of work that has me racking my brain for a new term to replace the horribly clunky, barely descriptive "post-dubstep" label. (Don't even get me started on "bass music.") Cooly describes her work as having a "deep house tribal dubstep vibe," but that pile-on of words doesn't reflect her sound's sparse elegance. There's also a dash of neo-soul — her approach to songwriting reminds me a lot of Joi's "Sunshine & the Rain," in that many of her songs consist of just a few chanted lines. "Landscapes" is one of them. Instead of sounding undercooked it is hypnotic.
Justin Bieber Gets His Ass Kicked in His New Video
Rich Juzwiak · 08/01/12 01:05PMThose involved in the making of this had to be aware of how cathartic it would be for the haters to see Michael Madsen annihilate Justin Bieber, right? The video for the dubbabystep "As Long as You Love Me" is a gift.
Bronies Unite Against Jerry Springer's Attempt to Humiliate Them
Adrian Chen · 08/01/12 10:46AMLondon Mayor Celebrates First British Gold by Getting Stuck on Zip Line as Crowd Laughs
Max Read · 08/01/12 09:32AMGreat Britain won its first gold medal of the 2012 Olympics today — in women's pair rowing — and the country celebrated the only way it knows how: with a rich buffoon doing something embarrassing and ridiculous.
Here's What Michael Douglas Looks Like as Liberace [UPDATE]
Rich Juzwiak · 07/31/12 05:58PM
Ed. Note: Unfortunately, we were asked to take down the photograph which originally ran with this story. Which is great because it gave me an excuse to have Jim Cooke illustrate a new one. Just like the last time, he's very disappointed with the results because he was rushed and insisted we say 'Bad Drawings by Jim Cooke.' But instead we will acknowledge his heroic patience once again.
Jessica Hische, Designer of 'World's Most Hipster Wedding Announcement,' is a Delightful Human
A.J. Daulerio · 07/31/12 05:05PM
Yesterday, we ran a post devoted to trashing the online wedding announcement of Jessica Hische and Russ Maschmeyer, two well-respected graphic designers with shitloads of friends and fans who all defended them and praised the announcement for its advanced doohickeys and blinkity-blinks. Drew Magary, who authored the post, was impressed with how gracefully Jessica handled his evisceration and suggested we extend an opportunity for her to counterpoint. She declined, but did say we can publish her email response instead:
Why James Holmes Has Fans On the Internet
Adrian Chen · 07/31/12 03:50PM
There are fans of everything on the internet. Even James Holmes, the 24-year-old accused of killing 12 and injuring 58 in the Aurora, Colorado theater shooting. What would drive a bunch of seemingly normal internet geeks to worship a mass murderer? To understand this, you'll have to journey to the dark heart of internet fandom.
Miley Cyrus' Character Has a Snappy Bald Vagina in the Buried Flick LOL
Rich Juzwiak · 07/31/12 02:50PMThe scene above is a great indication of how bad noted sex enthusiast Miley Cyrus's LOL is. It's a movie that Lionsgate all but buried during its millisecond run in theaters. In the clip above, Demi Moore bathes with one daughter and chastises her other, Cyrus' character Lola, for having undergone a Brazilian wax, which she brazenly shows off — well, as brazenly as PG-13 will allow. "Maaahm!" is the wost answer you could possibly give when someone asks if you have a Brazilian. Moments later, Cyrus and Moore spoon in bed. So that's how it is in their family.