
You Are Paying an Insane Amount in Overdraft Fees

Hamilton Nolan · 04/02/14 10:01AM

In 2010, federal regulators banned some of the more egregiously customer-screwing bank fees. In response, banks are just using overdraft fees to continue sucking you dry.

Hamilton Nolan · 07/02/13 11:04AM

Private equity firms have discovered an exciting new strategy for screwing their investors over (more than usual).

Bank of America Unveils New, Stealthier Fees

Hamilton Nolan · 03/01/12 11:12AM

Last year, Bank of America tried to sneakily, oh so sneakily, instate a $5 fee on debit card users. Outrage ensued, and the idea was scrapped. But you didn't think that BoA's insatiable need for sweet, sweet money was just going to disappear, did you? There are plenty of new, sneakier fees they will hit you with.

Which Shameless Bank Fees Will Get You Next?

Hamilton Nolan · 11/14/11 01:05PM

Banking is a profitable business. But it is somewhat less profitable than it was a few years ago. A reasonable person might say "Good, a few years ago it was too profitable due to unfair business practices." Reasonable people are not bankers.

Your Debit Card Is About to Start Costing You Money

Hamilton Nolan · 09/29/11 02:54PM

I have an idea: I ask you to loan me some money. Then when it's time for me to pay you back, I'll charge you a fee, for holding that money, and another fee, for giving the money back to you. Welcome to the modern American consumer banking system.

Arizona Now Charging $25 for Prison Visits

Max Read · 09/05/11 02:48PM

Arizona has, like, no money. Should it raise taxes? Cut services? Or—wait—what about this: Charge people $25 a head to visit friends and family members in its overcrowded jails?

Snooki Is Influencing New Jersey's Legislative Agenda

Brian Moylan · 04/08/11 02:09PM

What factors does New Jersey consider before proposing legislation? Is it the economy, the health and wellness of their citizens, or the desire for law and order? No, it's how much Snooki gets paid.

Airlines Pledge Not to Charge for Carry-On Bags

Ravi Somaiya · 04/18/10 12:56PM

It is a sad day when this is something to be celebrated — but five airlines have pledged not to follow the lead of Spirit, who now demand $45 for use of their overhead bins. [AP]