
Man Arrested Over Twitter Rape Threats to Activist

Maggie Lange · 07/30/13 08:42AM

After successfully campaigning to have old school author Jane Austen appear on the UK's ten-pound bill, Caroline Criado-Perez has been swamped with death threats and rape threats on Twitter. She reports seeing "about 50 abusive tweets an hour for about 12 hours," describing the reaction as having "stumbled into a nest of men who coordinate attacks on women." The advocate has responded by retweeting the threats, which include promises of violent action, demeaning remarks, and plans to find her.

If You Go to College to Learn to Blog You Are a God Damn Sucker

Hamilton Nolan · 02/18/13 05:50PM

So then, it's a new academic program straight outta Duke University: "Write(H)ers," which will, according to the Duke Chronicle, "create a community of feminist-oriented writers," by, you know, teaching women how to blog. Specifically—direct quote—"The 23 members of the program will participate in personal blogging." This new program is officially sponsored by the Women's Center at Duke University, a school with a tuition of $43,623 per year.

Penis Scientist Rush Limbaugh Blames Small Penis Size on Feminazis

Max Read · 09/21/12 11:54AM

According to penis scientist Rush Limbaugh (his source: CBS Philadelphia, which cites this unsourced item in a ChaCha.com slideshow), the average penis size is 10 percent smaller than it was in 1950. The "Italian scientists" blame air pollution, but Rush has an alternate theory: "I don't buy this. I think it's feminism... Has to be the feminazis. I mean, the chickification, everything else." The joke you are thinking about making, about Rush Limbaugh's penis size: literally everyone in the world is thinking of making that joke. It's not a good joke. Don't make it. Just let the beauty of "has to be the feminazis" hang in the air. [via Media Matters]

Kanye West Is Better at His Job Than I Am at Mine (But I’m Way Better at Being a Fake-Ass Feminist)

Kiese Laymon · 08/25/12 10:45AM

My grandmother married a beautiful brown troll named HaLester "Les" Myers 20 years ago. The Christmas before last, Les slumped across from me in Grandma's gaudy pink throne while she finished making supper. I watched the still water flooding the gutters of Les's sleepy eyes, the way his nappy gray chin folded snuggly into the top of those musty blue overalls, and I knew that the dusty joker really believed what he said the night before about Kanye West and the importance of treating females like cats.

Doonesbury Calls Abortion Law "Rape"

Louis Peitzman · 03/11/12 01:08PM

Political comic strip Doonesbury will debut an abortion storyline next week, with a particular focus on the Texas law requiring pregnant women to receive a transvaginal ultrasound and then wait 24 hours before having an abortion.

Why Moms Are Breastfeeding In Facebook's Face

Ryan Tate · 02/07/12 03:45PM

Angry lactivists - that's the term, stop snickering - showed up in front of Facebook's offices in Austin to breasfeed their babies. They were part of a wave of such "nurse-ins," all designed to protest the social network's staggeringly dumb policies on breastfeeding photos.

30 Rock: Does TGS Hate Women?

Matt Cherette · 02/24/11 10:31PM

On tonight's 30 Rock, Jenna was excited to appear on a women's web site, JoanOfSnark.com. The problem, though, was that the headline read, "Why Does TGS Hate Women?" Hm... sound familiar? (Hint, hint!) Here's video of the cold open.