
Meet Jim Kalb, Another Small-Town Mayor Who Hates Bloggers

John Cook · 10/01/09 10:24AM

A Portsmouth, Ohio, blogger recently asked the mayor for some documents under the state's public records law. The mayor said, "Sure." And also: "You're a worthless piece of s**t and I wouldn't p**s on you if you were on fire."

Michael Moore in Self-Promotional War with CBS

Andrew Belonsky · 09/28/09 03:03AM

So, Michael Moore has been making the media rounds to promote his latest project, Capitalism: A Love Story. The film, we're sure, will be enlightening, but, as happens with all things Moore, may be overshadowed by the man himself.

Rather's David v. Goliath Battle with CBS Goes On

Andrew Belonsky · 09/21/09 09:46PM

CBS and its hot shot lawyers were impotent in their efforts to thwart old manDan Rather's $70 million wrongful termination suit. Now Rather's lawyers want Viacom big wig Sumner Redstone to take the stand. It's war! [Reuters]

Ryan Adams: I Took No Sex or Money from Courtney Love

Ryan Tate · 09/21/09 06:46PM

Courtney Love has subjected fellow singer Ryan Adams to a series of online rants for more than a year now, and now Adams is pushing back. He says he never borrowed any money from Love, nor did he date her.

Legalizing Electric-Car Kingpin's 'Founder' Fetish

Ryan Tate · 09/21/09 01:57PM

Tesla CEO Elon Musk likes to call himself "founder" of companies he didn't actually start. This weird fetish has never been fully safe and legal, until now: The real founder of Tesla Motors is dropping his lawsuit and granting permission.

Jealous Geeks in $2 Billion Wrestling Match Over Skype

Ryan Tate · 09/18/09 12:22PM

How did a group of private investors snag Skype for $2 billion+ when big public corporations like Google were too scared to bid, thanks to lawsuits? With stolen computer nerd sorcery, allegedly.

The Coldest Place

Hamilton Nolan · 09/18/09 10:41AM

At minus-400 degrees, lunar craters full of billion-year-old ice are the coldest place in our entire solar system—colder even than Pluto, or the employee-relations portion of Martha Stewart's soul. [NYT]