
Jay Leno Show Rejected By Boston Affiliate

Ryan Tate · 04/02/09 10:34PM

NBC's affiliate in Boston said it won't carry Jay Leno's new 10 p.m. show, which the station claims might ruin the station's business by driving away viewers. Making the feud especially embarrassing?

The Enemies List Behind Fox News' Paranoid Rage

Ryan Tate · 04/02/09 03:13AM

Your typical liberal wimp likes to do a little yoga in the morning, maybe some positive visualization. A Fox News broadcaster, meanwhile, likes to punch himself in the face, repeatedly. Here's how.

How It Feels When Bill O'Reilly Stalks You

Ryan Tate · 03/25/09 02:12AM

Being repeatedly exposed as factually incorrect or as a hypocrite doesn't seem to have hurt Bill O'Reilly's ratings. But a few more descriptions of him as a creepy stalker might do the trick.

Whoopi Goldberg to Fashion Critic: 'Kiss My Ass'

Richard Lawson · 03/20/09 11:43AM

TV Guide magazine wrote some not-so-nice things about View cohost Whoopi Goldberg's fashion choices, and she got a little mad. She called one writer an "anonymous bitch" and instructed her to kiss her ass.

Mess with Lauren Santo Domingo at Your Own Risk

cityfile · 03/13/09 11:57AM

It's probably safe to assume that Amy Odell, the editor of New York magazine's fashion blog, The Cut, won't be on the guest list for Lauren Santo Domingo's Christmas party this year. Late yesterday, Odell posted a scathing critique of the socialite, Vogue contributing editor, and wife of Colombian heir Andres Santo Domingo. Why? It seems Santo Domingo couldn't get her hands on a pair of black $1,800 Hussein Chalayan boots that have been all the rage recently. So she did what any other dedicated fashionista would do: She took a pair of similar boots in brown and customized them to look just like the Chalayan ones. Vogue posted Santo Domingo's tale of "fashion dedication" online; Odell responded by suggesting Santo Domingo wasn't "important enough" to get her hands on the genuine article, and said her effort to recreate them was something that "no one with a real job would ever have the time, money, or energy to even think about doing." Totally true! The problem is that not long after, New York removed any trace of the story from its website. Did Vogue put pressure on New York to remove the offending piece? Did Anna bitch Adam out? Hard to say! An email to Odell asking for an explanation went unanswered. But we saved a cached version for you, which you can read here.

Stewart Can't Land Knockout Punch On Meek Cramer

Ryan Tate · 03/12/09 10:58PM

What happened to Jim Cramer? CNBC's Mad Money host screams stock-market tips with alpha male abandon, but he looked like he was going to wet himself in his Daily Show grudge match tonight.

Having been slammed repeatedly by host Jon Stewart over the past few days for one-sided journalism, Cramer fled any real direct confrontation in his lengthy interview and instead went contrite — absurdly contrite. His voice went high and cracked, his thoughts fragmented as they left his mouth.