
Cramer to Stewart: Please Be Gentle

John Cook · 03/12/09 01:01PM

Will tonight's Daily Show appearance cement Jim Cramer's reputation as the Bernie Madoff of the Media? The embattled business analyst turned up on recovered felon Martha Stewart's show this morning to lower expectations.

Joe the Plumber Attacks Michael Steele

Pareene · 03/09/09 04:03PM

It's like a MadLib, isn't it? [Marginal unappealing GOP figurehead] criticized [unelected/unelectable GOP media mouthpiece] for [insane thing].

Anderson Cooper's War of Words

cityfile · 02/26/09 10:33AM

It looks like Anderson Cooper messed with the wrong guy when he described Bronx Rep. Eliot Engel as "kind of pathetic" on CNN on Tuesday night. The congressman, who became the butt of Anderson's on-air joke after staking out an aisle seat more than 12 hours in advance of President Obama's address to Congress, now says Cooper is the one who is "really pathetic" for not sharing Engel's "enthusiasm for participating in such a historic and wonderful celebration of American democracy," and he says he's sorry that Cooper is "so jaded." Your turn, Andy! [NYDN]

Fired Columnist Unloads on Foes

Ryan Tate · 02/25/09 11:31PM

If you thought Liz Smith was cranky and bitter about her profession before the New York Post dropped her column, just wait until you hear the 86-year-old gossip columnist now.