
How American Banks Are Engineering the Next Apocalypse, Again

John Cook · 11/02/11 02:31PM

Remember credit default swaps? AIG? Hopelessly entangled exotic financial instruments tied to esoteric asset valuations that caused cascading defaults in 2008 and threatened to tank the global financial system unless taxpayers ate all the losses? Remember how we reformed Wall St. to make sure that never repeated itself? Someone tell Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, and Morgan Stanley, because they've teed the whole damn thing up again, this time in Europe.

Michael Bloomberg: 'It Was Not the Banks That Created the Mortgage Crisis'

Jim Newell · 11/01/11 03:56PM

Michael Bloomberg is yet again treating Wall Street protesters' gripes with his unique style of empathy, "utter dismissiveness." The billionaire, who can thank the robust growth of the financial services sector over the decades for his fortune, knows the truth! The banks did nothing wrong; it was all Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Congress forcing everyone else to give houses to poor people.

Eric Cantor Will Address Income Inequality From Billionaire Shrine

Jim Newell · 10/20/11 01:50PM

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, who only 13 days ago declared that he was "increasingly concerned about the growing mobs occupying Wall Street and the other cities across the country," appears to have transformed into a radical communist. He's now acknowledging that America's vast income inequality is potentially problematic. He'll flesh out his ideas in a speech tomorrow at that most suffering of institutions, the Wharton School of Business, where most of the people responsible for our income inequality crisis have picked up a degree or two.

Breaking: Bankers Are Still Jerk-Offs

Max Read · 10/16/11 03:07PM

Did you think that, maybe, a growing month-long protest directed against the financial services industry would make investment bankers and money managers start to question themselves? Ha! You have never met a banker, have you?

The Government Wants To Know What You're Tweeting About Macroeconomics

Ryan Tate · 10/12/11 03:28PM

The Federal Reserve is working toward monitoring Facebook and Twitter to find out what people online are saying about the government bank's discount rate, open market operations and overall monetary policy. Do we tell them now that no one on Facebook or Twitter has ever given a shit about any of those things, or leave it for a surprise?

Bold Chicago Traders Launch the Counter Revolution

Jim Newell · 10/05/11 12:38PM

Here's a look at the windows of the Chicago Board of Trade, in which a daring band of the nation's money people have fought back against the Occupy Chicago protest onslaught by declaring, "We are the 1%," with some signs in the windows. Stay strong, Producers! Keep on tradin', tradin' futures, tradin' the night away... [Occupy Chicago]

Groupon's Value May Have Plunged 88 Percent

Ryan Tate · 10/03/11 05:06PM

Investors are willing to gamble less and less on Groupon's imaginary future profits, various fund managers told Bloomberg, thanks to the near constant reminders about just how imaginary those profits are. One fund manager thinks the online coupon startup has seen its value fall to as low as $3 billion from $25 billion.

Trader: 'I Go To Bed Every Night and I Dream of Another Recession'

Jim Newell · 09/26/11 04:00PM

Here's a pretty remarkable interview with independent stock and forex trader Alessio Rastani on the BBC this morning, in which he's either being perfectly candid about how traders are viewing the Eurozone crisis, or he's just trolling. Anyway, he's a sociopath.

Retirement Planning for a Post-Retirement Era

Hamilton Nolan · 09/16/11 10:40AM

"Retirement." Historians tell us that the word refers to an obsolete ancient practice of living out your elderly years engaged in leisure activities, rather than in scavenging soda cans from neighborhood recycling bins to supplement your meager Wal-Mart greeter's paycheck.