
How Dodgy Groupon Could Go Public Next Month

Ryan Tate · 09/15/11 07:09PM

After making noise during its federally mandated quiet period and after taking heat for a farcical accounting metric, Groupon might still be able to IPO next month. The online discounter's CEO just has to prove to the feds that he's not a liar.

Facebook's Profits Are Exploding

Ryan Tate · 09/07/11 12:33PM

Facebook's profits are on track to reach nearly $1 billion this year, Reuters reports, as revenue doubles. Selling your private moments to advertisers has never been more lucrative.

Groupon Scrapped Its IPO Plans Amid Federal Questioning

Ryan Tate · 09/06/11 04:11PM

Surprise: Wildly unprofitable money pit Groupon canceled its investor roadshow and withdrew its IPO schedule, says the Wall Street Journal. Also, there's a new SEC inquiry into the company. But everything will be back on track just as soon as the tech bubble returns, honest!

Is Groupon Getting Desperate?

Ryan Tate · 08/23/11 09:46PM

Groupon recently disclosed it owes more to merchants than it has in the bank; the online discounter stays afloat only by selling new Groupons. So the Groupon's recent sales dive is particularly unwelcome.

Goldman Sachs Shares Tank as Shifty CEO Lawyers Up

John Cook · 08/23/11 04:28PM

Remember when Goldman Sachs was a remorseless, cruelly efficient monolith run by soulless machines intent on harvesting wealth at the expense of the global economy and without regard to consequences?

Twitter Hedge Fund Is Making More Money Than You

Adrian Chen · 08/16/11 12:11PM

All you investors with your crazy research and economic "theories": You should just be reading Twitter! Derwent Capital, a hedge fund that bases its investment strategy on Twitter data, outperformed the market in its first month.

Why Wall Street Hates the AOL HuffPo Deal

Ryan Tate · 08/09/11 04:23PM

AOL shares closed down 26 percent today, despite posting its first ad sales increase since the company was spun out from Time Warner. The problem? The disastrous AOL-HuffPo merger seems to be catching up to the internet conglomerate.

Decent Jobs Report Temporarily Staves off Apocalypse

Jim Newell · 08/05/11 11:11AM

It's the first Friday in August! This means two things: The nice, brisk days of autumn aren't too far away, and the latest jobs report has come out. Employers added 117,000 jobs in July and brought the unemployment rate down one tenth of a percentage point to 9.1%. This is kind of good?

Margin Call: The Guys Who Ruined Everything

Richard Lawson · 07/26/11 11:05AM

Here's a trailer for the financial thriller (such a thing exists in these economic crater times) Margin Call, a fictionalized look at the real story of the hours before the financial world near collapsed in 2008. Sounds exciting?

Sleazeballs Valued at $1.3 Billion

Ryan Tate · 07/25/11 02:31PM

Three guys who refuse to answer for sleazy spam tactics on behalf of their startup might expect to be shunned. Circumstances being what they are, the same three guys are bathing in money and adulation.

Twitter Is Magically Worth $7 Billion, Somehow

Ryan Tate · 07/05/11 04:55PM

An ongoing fundraising round values Twitter at nearly twice what it was worth in December, despite the company having failed to create a discernible business model in the interim, and despite admitting it needs new leadership. Welcome to the new tech economics.

Bank of America Will Make Amends for Destroying Economy by Paying Billions to Other Banks

John Cook · 06/29/11 01:22PM

Bank of America feels just awful about it's role in packaging and selling a bunch of junk mortgages and inflating the economy with bad debt until the bottom fell out and more than 5 million people lost their jobs and more than 2.5 million went on food stamps, except for BofA's executives, who still got paid. So it's decided to pay $14 billion to BlackRock, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and a bunch of other extremely wealthy institutions to make up for it. Are we square?

Nouriel Roubini is a 14-Hour Party Person

John Cook · 06/28/11 04:02PM

Fameball economist, world-class doomsayer, and long-time Gawker favorite Nouriel Roubini had a 14-hour party on Saturday, beginning with a "noon...dip in the model-packed Jacuzzi" atop his Manhattan triplex and ending when the...caffeine ran out, we're guessing. They probably partied until there was no more caffeine left to keep them going at Nouriel Roubini's 14-hour "Carmens and Matadors"-themed party at his $5.5 million apartment.

Pity of Pities: Goldman Sachs is Sending Jobs Overseas

Jim Newell · 06/28/11 03:32PM

Be warned: You are going to be enraged when you hear this news, imbued with all the populist animalism you can muster and smashing crap all afternoon: Goldman Sachs is cutting some jobs in America and adding 1,000 people in Singapore. Are there even words to describe how much the average American will miss its favorite company?

Hulu Is Up for Sale

Ryan Tate · 06/22/11 05:58PM

Hulu has put itself up for sale, moving to end the grand alliance between the broadcasters who own the TV website and provide it with shows. This is really going to suck.

Newt Gingrich's Top Finance Aides Quit over Lack of Finance

Jim Newell · 06/21/11 01:57PM

Newt Gingrich still had some presidential campaign staffers after 16 of his top aides quit en masse a couple of weeks ago. It only takes a few, right? Perhaps. But his top campaign finance advisers just quit too, so he really should end his campaign and take whatever few dollars remain to pay himself a PAC salary for a few months.