
Bailout Architect Bailed Out By Lies

Ryan Tate · 08/13/09 06:58PM

Hank Paulson's attempt to weasel out of an interview with the New York Times looks more comical every day. Now it's emerged that the book he was busy writing is being written by someone else.

Sell Your Twitter Soul for $100 Per Tweet

Ryan Tate · 08/04/09 03:14PM

Shilling has never looked more attractive: Amid an old-media depression, "sponsored" blogging company Izea thinks it can get you around $1 per character to sell out on Twitter.

Publicist Grovels After Mistake

Hamilton Nolan · 07/30/09 04:32PM

Shoot, a publicist for R. Couri Hay's PR firm sent out an email that had mistakes in it. Probably bad ones! Now the firm has been forced to send another, more grovelling email apologizing for said mistakes. Read it below!

Sue 'Em And Woo 'Em

Hamilton Nolan · 07/30/09 10:47AM

Incompetent superflack Ronn [sic] Torossian's 5WPR threatens to sue alt-weekly for its cover story on 5W client Cinergy Health; soon afterwards, emails same alt-weekly a press release offering Cinergy's CEO for interviews. Sounds about right. [Houston Press]

Navy Wants Laser Death Rays to Fight Somali Pirates. WTF?

Ryan Tate · 07/20/09 12:17PM

The U.S. Navy and a giant defense contractor are asking mom and dad for money to build an ultra-wicked laser death ray, because otherwise it's impossible to stop pirate ships. At last, the historic invincibility of pirate ships is over!

Edelman Memo or Totalitarian Propaganda?

Hamilton Nolan · 07/16/09 04:18PM

Massive enemy PR firm Edelman is moving its office from Times Square to Hudson Square. Employees received (and leaked!) a motivational brochure that has a decidedly...propagandist design style. Compare: