
The Anatomy of the Google Product Cycle

Nick Douglas · 07/03/06 02:52PM

BusinessWeek's hype-killing article on Google's product line has everyone buzzing about the company's product cycle. Guest writer Garry Bibb explains the process — it all starts with a Battlestar Galactica marathon and some Mike's Hard Lemonade.

Strumpette declares victory in PR catfight

Nick Douglas · 06/22/06 06:58PM

The Sun Microsystems CEO is blogging, Bill Gates is talking on podcasts, and billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban tells reporters to check his blog. It's an age where company heads face their critics and fans directly — for better or worse.

To-Do tonight: Better than Sozzled Sunday

Nick Douglas · 06/15/06 04:52PM

A tech bubble is measured by the number of industry events each night of the week. A full Thursday schedule doesn't mean we're back in 1999 — it just means the recession's long gone.

Is a there a terrorist in Valley PR?

Nick Douglas · 06/14/06 02:29PM

We're all a little jumpy about strangers in this post-9/11 world, and nowhere is tension over immigrants more pronounced than in the Valley, where immigrants run the world (and wash its dishes).

Flacky nominee: Shannon Allen at Marqi

Nick Douglas · 06/05/06 10:15AM

Most tech press releases are merely boring or irrelevant. But it takes an especially poorly crafted pitch to offend a journo or blogger. Shannon Allen, today's nominee for the Valleywag Flacky Awards managed to write one. Tips for flacks:

Geek out: We'll miss you, Orlowski

Nick Douglas · 05/26/06 02:08PM

Hacks and flacks wished Andrew Orlowski (pictured, the one with his hair on top) farewell last night with a calm happy hour at the Edinburgh Castle Pub. His exit dilutes the pool of Valley journalism, as the Register reporter was a long-time snarker and Google hound (one confident enough to snub Google Press Day). Now, after five years in the Valley, he's headed back to England.

Edelman buys a big swinging something

Nick Douglas · 05/25/06 04:47PM

Major PR firm Edelman, tired of getting its ass handed to it by Outcast, A&R, Bite, B&O and every other tech PR firm, finally bought A&R in a deal announced today. PR Week says:

Geek out guest post: Second Third Thursday

Nick Douglas · 05/19/06 10:44AM

The Weber Shandwick takeover of Valleywag continues with WS legal practice guru Lucas Mast's report on this week's Third Thursday. In this edition of the PR and marketing talk series, PR blogger Jeremy Pepper MC'd a panel of corporate-blogging masters. If you're feeling cynical this morning, just read Lucas's three bullets and be done with it. We'll see if our boy Lucas can learn to stop paying attention to the actual talks and give us the nitty gritty, like whether someone got Steve Rubel drunk. In the meantime, Mr. Bright and Sunny pimps Third Thursday.

Snacky or Flacky final round: Brooke Hammerling vs. Terra Carmichael

Nick Douglas · 05/11/06 09:18PM

Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls of legal age! I bring you the two hottest people in PR, already deemed the most delectable from a hand-picked pool of the sexiest men and women in Valley publicity, now competing for the title of Snackiest Flack!

Snacky or Flacky semifinals: Brooke and Terra win

Nick Douglas · 05/11/06 09:05PM

Valleywag readers finally narrow down the choice for snackiest flacky to two finalists. And they choose wisely. (How could they not, with every choice being a perfect 10?)