
Google spamming to fill its PR department

Nick Douglas · 05/11/06 03:39PM

Who can fill PR hottie Nathan Tyler's open-toed sandals? Google's spamming the whole SF PR scene to find out, says one flack, looking to fill several spots on its team. The tipster comments:

Embargo breakers: A hack explains the flacks

Nick Douglas · 05/11/06 09:00AM

Harvard embargoes a press release on curing the blind, then sends a one-hour correction to the whole recipient list. Just wanted to give y'all a heads up so this news can break a whole hour earlier — after everyone sits on it for four days. The journo who passed this on explains why these embargoes happen:

Snacky or Flacky semifinals: Brooke Hammerling vs. Margaux Vega

Nick Douglas · 05/10/06 08:48PM

It's gonna be tough. But you can pick. Who is more deserving of battling another PR peep for the title of the Snackiest Flack? Brooke Hammerling comes from her own firm, Brew PR; Margaux Vega is a rising star at major firm Weber Shandwick. Will the co-worker votes win it, or will a pure snackiness meritocracy decide this round?

Snacky or Flacky stage 2: Margaux and Brooke win

Nick Douglas · 05/09/06 08:05PM

Two gentleman learn the meaning of "glass ceiling" in what's less a victory for open source and more a sad confirmation that this blog won't get me thousands of fawning female fans. Weber Shandwick's Margaux Vega beats co-worker Jeremy Pepper, and Brew Media's Brooke Hammerling takes a landslide — no, a massive tectonic event — win over Ogilvy's Justin O'Neill.

Snacky or Flacky Stage 2: Jeremy Pepper vs. Margaux Vega

Nick Douglas · 05/08/06 09:17PM

Jeremy Pepper is dead in the water. The PR blogger knows he has no chance in the latest Snacky or Flacky round against his Weber Shandwick co-worker Margaux Vega — hell, even he's voting for her. But can we at least make Jeremy's exit smooth and painless? After else, who else would be brave enough to face a face-off with the stellar Margaux?

Snacky or Flacky Stage 2: Justin O'Neill vs. Brooke Hammerling

Nick Douglas · 05/08/06 09:08PM

Could one man have the chance of winning over a woman in a Valleywag Hotties face-off? If anyone, it'd be Ogilvy employee Justin O'Neill, who recently trounced Google uber-hottie Nathan Tyler. But Justin's up against Brooke Hammerling, a publicist for Larry Ellison's non-Oracle properties, recently spotted hanging with local journalists and bigshots at a NetSuite party on Larry's yacht. Well, kids, you decide: who gets to stay in Snacky or Flacky for one more round?

Snacky or Flacky prelims: The increasingly innacurate results

ndouglas · 05/05/06 05:48PM

The Snacky or Flacky prelims are over, half the PR hotties are voted out (but will have lucrative record contracts anyway). Congrats to the winners! Let's see which get bumped off next. Left to right: Justin O'Neill, Brooke Hammerling, Jeremy Pepper, and Margaux Vega.

Snacky or Flacky prelims, round 8: Margaux Vega vs. Dianna Mangiatini

ndouglas · 05/04/06 09:19PM

These two lovely young ladies hail from PR firm Weber Shandwick, which snatched them up before they even turned 25 (the "over the hill" age adjusted for the PR industry). Now they're the two final entrants for Snacky or Flacky. You've got all night to vote.

Snacky or Flacky prelims, round 7: Jeremy Pepper vs. Miles Perkins

ndouglas · 05/04/06 08:44PM

Finally, some testosterone! Or, well, some guys at least. Of these two male "Snacky or Flacky" contestants, one knows how to make beautiful noise — the other, well, at least he makes noise. Ladies and gentleman, publicist Miles Perkins of Industrial Light and Magic, and blogger Jeremy Pepper of Weber Shandwick (founder of Pop! PR)

Snacky or Flacky prelims, round 5: Nathan Tyler vs. Justin O'Neill

ndouglas · 05/04/06 11:38AM

Ogilvy PR man Justin O'Neill faces a tough challenge in this morning's round of Snacky or Flacky, the Valleywag PR hotties tourney. Justin may have a sweet Facebook profile that shows his charming personality — but Google PR consultant Nathan Tyler's got a posse. The last time Nathan was on Valleywag, commenters wrote, "Nathan Tyler's hotness is so unstoppable, he's personally responsible for that whole "Greenland is melting" global warming thing." But you wouldn't let looks decide everything, would you?

Snacky or Flacky prelims, round 4: Susan Best vs. Kay Luo

ndouglas · 05/03/06 06:10PM

Susan MacTavish Best pimped her client (and partner in crime), Craigslist CEO Jim Buckmaster, in the original Valleywag Hotties tourney. She must have known she couldn't escape a similar fate this time around, so here she is, in a face-off against Kay Luo. Kay is the Simply Hired marketing director who thought up a promo with Dogster: the Simply Hired dog-friendly workplace search. Who's it gonna be, the lady behind the friendly purple forum or the puppy-loving PR princess?

Snacky or Flacky prelims: Scandal and Mayhem

ndouglas · 05/03/06 02:01PM

Rounds 1 and 2 of the Snacky or Flacky prelims (the first rounds in Valleywag's PR-hotties tourney) gave us a real victory and a fake-out. The honest-as-Woz victor was TagWorld's Paula Gould, who whipped ShopWiki's Carlos Odio, 337 votes to 130. Sorry Carlos, we'll always have a special place for you in our little black book.