
You Know It's A Slows News Day When We Watch Philip Seymour Hoffman Have Lunch

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/18/08 04:00PM

Academy Award winner Philip Seymour Hoffman was spotted at famed Italian restaurant, Saint Ambroeus, enjoying a hardy spaghetti lunch. Hoffman was enjoying the peace and tranquility of his lunch until a few photographers showed up and snapped away. Hoffman attempted to create a fort around his table using menus and a book to block from being spied on. However, a strong gust of wind knocked over the fort right as the Charlie Wilson's War star took a bite of his meal.

Whoa! T.R Knight Must Work Out

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/17/08 01:05PM

Grey's Anatomy star T.R. Knight made his trainer proud with his bold feats of strength in Hollywood earlier this week. Without the aid of the store's employees, Knight carried a large tube nearly two blocks to his car without even breaking a sweat. Knight attempted to pick up industrial air conditioner unit, but realized that he may need a few more sessions with the trainer before attempting such a bulky item.

Staying Incognito Is Harder Than It Looks

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/14/08 04:00PM

Dynamic duo Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson attempted to blend in with the guests at Chateau Marmont. The inseparable pair had noticed that a majority of the guests at the legendary Hollywood hotel were dressed in a similar manner, but they were quickly spotted in a sea of hipsters. While sitting in the lobby, the twosome concluded that maybe if they venture to less profile locations like Eagle Rock or Long Beach they'd go unnoticed, but they quickly realized that there wasn't anything to do beyond the West Side.

Party at Christina Ricci's! She's Got The Diet Coke!

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/11/08 01:55PM

Christina Ricci had a make to a quick pit stop to pick up a six-pack of the life force that keeps Hollywood running, Diet Coke. Ricci wasn't sure if she was running low at her house, but the svelte Speed Racer star's sixth sense kicked in. Ricci said, "I was just driving back from the gym and I just felt this need to stop at the first place I saw and get a six pack of Diet Coke. I was feeling really tense and anxious and then I put that six pack in my hands. It just went away. As if the entire weight of the world had been lifted off my shoulders." Upon leaving the store, Ricci gently placed the six-pack in the front seat and strapped it with a seat belt.

Fiddlesticks, They Never Have What I Want!

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/09/08 12:05PM

On the set of her latest film, Labor Pains, Lindsay Lohan ran into a different kind of pain at the craft service table. Earlier in the day, Lohan had over heard a couple crew members raving about the donuts; in particular, the apple fritters at the craft service table. Yet, by the time, Lohan managed to make her way to the craft services, all of the pastries were gone. She asked a P.A. where had all the donuts gone, but the P.A. shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know, but they were really awesome. I think Stan in the camera department might have half of an apple fritter. I can check for you." Lohan decided against sharing the donut and picked up an apple instead. Lohan said, "If I can't have the delicious sugary baked thing, then I guess I'll have the boring, somewhat healthy thing as a snack."

You're Going To Delete That, Right?

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/08/08 04:30PM

While at the Tate Museum in London, actress Reese Witherspoon politely asked if the person who just took a picture of her could delete it. Witherspoon felt it was kind of weird to sneak a photo right behind her back like that, then suggested if they wanted a photo to simply ask for one. The person told Witherspoon that she wasn't taking a photo of the actress, but of her child who happened to be standing behind her. Witherspoon quickly apologized and returned to her family. The woman leaned over to her friend and whispered, "Sucker. I was so taking her picture."

Today Was A Bad Day To Go Jogging

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/08/08 12:15PM

Jeremy Piven most certainly felt the burn while jogging in Malibu on Monday afternoon. The Smokin' Aces star reportedly began to cramp up somewhere between mile two and three and attempted to walk it off. Piven slowly walked down the street, hoping that a car full of co-eds from near by Pepperdine University would come by and offer a ride back to his place. Alas, they never did, and Piven was forced to walk hands-on-hips all the way back to his place.

Photogs Finally Carpooling To Follow Lindsay Lohan Around

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/07/08 12:50PM

Wanting to reduce their carbon footprint on the world, some members of the paparazzi rented out a Star Line tour van to track popular actress Lindsay Lohan and good friend Samantha Ronson on Sunday afternoon. One of the photographers felt it only made sense for them to share a ride since they planned on taking pictures of the same subject. The photographer added, "I don't think that this whole caring for the environment thing is going away any time soon. So, here we are in the van hoping that we all get a great shot while doing our part for the environment." Another photographer felt the tourist angle provided them with a bit of cover, but they quickly blew their own cover when they leaped out of the van to go in for a closer shot; "We're going to be a bit more subtle about it the next time around."

Hey, I'm In The New Lindsay Lohan Movie, Too

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/01/08 05:15PM

While on the set of Labor Pains, Cheryl Hines wanted the paparazzi to know that there are other people in the movie besides Lindsay Lohan. Hines thought it would be nice if the photographers could expand their photographic horizons and take pictures of other people on set, too. Hines explained that she understands that Lohan is bit of a financial rainmaker for people, but she felt it would be nice if they took her photo from time to time. Hines enjoys having proof to show friends and family that she's working on a fairly regular basis.

Dear Diary- I Shared An Elevator With Ben Affleck!!

Douglas Reinhardt · 06/30/08 07:00PM

Dear Diary,
So, there I was with my little cart ready to zip off for a business trip and guess who walks into the elevator? None other than Ben Affleck! I couldn't believe it. I've been living out here in LA for a quite few years now and I finally had my first celebrity sighting. It was great. I kept my cool. I wanted to tell him that I was such a fan of his work, but the only movie I could think of was Forces Of Nature and I only sorted of remembered it. I think I saw it one time on cable. So, we just sort of went up to the second floor and nodded in agreement with each other a lot. It was great cause I was in an elevator with a big deal actor, but I just thought I was going to have a lot to say to him, that's all. Now, as I sit, looking back on the incident, I could come up with ten million things to talk about. Hindsight is always 20/20, as a wise man once said. Well, off to the company mixer.

Joshua Kelley Just Won't Shut Up About Curling Katherine Heigl's Hair

Molly Friedman · 06/26/08 04:30PM

After a whirlwind month of snubbing her fame-enabling Grey’s Anatomy writers, the entire Academy of Television Arts & Sciences and anyone unlucky enough to get a whiff of her second-hand smoke, Katherine Heigl is somehow still idolized and worshiped by her emasculated husband Joshua Kelley. As we noted yesterday, Heigl spent most of Kelley’s weekend gig at Hotel Cafe shouting out requests for songs, songs which have all been recently altered to include the name Katie in place of any other girl’s name. But most disturbingly, the “rocker” reportedly overshared the fact that he had “curled her hair” before the show. And just how important is it that Kelley spend his pre-show time grooming his pompous pony? So important that he’s suffered third-degree burns and dehabilitated his ability to play the guitar, all in the name of love. The excruciating details, after the jump.

Katherine Heigl Barks Set List Instructions To Hubby During Rousing 'Emasculation Of Joshua' Concert

Mark Graham · 06/25/08 02:00PM

Katherine Heigl's constant bids to control her husband Josh "Call Me Joshua" Kelley's A.D.D. addled life is truly the gift that keeps on giving. Whether it's explaining to David Letterman that the house that the newlyweds live in is most certainly hers or confiding to Oprah that she's not even really sure if she'll like Joshua once she gets to know him, we are firmly settled into Month Six of what's come to be known as "The Emasculation Of Joshua" tour. However, just when you thought that she would tone things down a smidge, Heigl's controlling ways took new life when her not-at-all-whipped "rocker" husband took to the stage at Hollywood's Hotel Café on Friday night. According to a tipster for People: