
Hello, Ladies. My Assistant Will Gladly Take Your Number

Douglas Reinhardt · 06/19/08 12:10PM

The Fly star Jeff Goldblum ushered in a bold new era in male fashion: going shirtless. Goldblum was unsatisfied with the quality of tailored shirts and just decided to go without one. Goldblum said, "I'm not sure it's as much of a fashion statement as it's a form of protest. Designers need to bring something more to the table if they would like their wears to grace this finely sculpted body." However, the Earth Girls Are Easy star left the Bev Hills boutique with a large bag, which was quite possibly full of shirts. When asked about his purchase, Goldblum replied, "I'm going to give these shirts a test with the ladies over at the Polo Lounge. Then we'll see if this shirtless fad continues."

Lindsay Lohan Wonders If Samantha Is Her 'Mr. Big'

Douglas Reinhardt · 06/03/08 03:20PM

While exiting a weekend showing of Sex and The City at the Arclight, A Prairie Home Companion star Lindsay Lohan began to question the state of her (alleged) relationship with emotional friend/DJ Samantha Ronson. Naturally, Lohan compared herself to Carrie and wondered if this relationship is something that's going to last or she should spread her wings and explore other options. Lohan then looked over her shoulder to see that Ronson kept her distance, to make it appear as if they're just friends to the media and Lohan's family; then Lohan quickly pulled out her BlackBerry and furiously typed out a message. Two seconds later, Ronson pulled out her BlackBerry and smiled as she read a message, then proceed to wink at Lohan.

Megan Fox As Naked As Allowed By Canadian Film Regulation Law

Seth Abramovitch · 05/12/08 12:50PM

Pictured, tropical-bird-whisperer and Transformers star Megan Fox on the set of Jennifer's Body, the Diablo Cody-penned, super-kinetic Raimian horror film currently shooting in Vancouver. Wet, trembling, and with only two flesh-colored pasties (nothing to do with modesty, but actually a scripted wink to Cody's vocational past) preventing the full scope of her goodies from being on glorious display, it seems as though Fox, playing the film's bloodthirsty cheerleader protagonist, has mastered the "body" half of the title's equation. All that's left now is for her to tackle the tricky cadences of Cody's trademarked, Academy Award-winning dialogue, at which point the full of impact of lines like "Fried bologna is the bomb!" and "Slow down tardy slip. You sound like a sped," will earn the actress the Saturn nominations that have so eluded her until now.

What's So Beautiful About Kate Hudson? I'm Way Prettier Than Her

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/30/08 04:25PM

Beloved actress Reese Witherspoon took the news of Kate Hudson landing the cover of People Magazine's 100 Most Beautiful People issue rather hard while leaving the gym this morning. Witherspoon assumed that she was a shoe-in since she makes movies that people love and watch and dates the hottest guy in the game (Jake Gyllenhaal, obvs). Additionally, she's been told on numerous occasions that she's as cute as a button. It was then that Witherspoon began to wonder what kind of kinky favors Hudson did for the editors in order to land the cover.

Lindsay Lohan Regrets Never Learning A Foreign Language

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/29/08 01:15PM

An extremely paranoid Lindsay Lohan could barely sit still as she was having her nails done in West Hollywood Monday afternoon. Lohan constantly checked over her shoulders and all around the salon for fear that the employees were talking behind back in their native tongue. Lohan asked the woman who was doing her nails if they were talking about her, but when the nail technician attempted to calm the Mean Girls star down, Lohan excused herself for a cigarette and never returned.

Sienna Miller's Attempt To Go Incognito Works A Bit Too Well

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/28/08 07:20PM

Sienna Miller, star of the upcoming big screen adaptation of G.I. Joe, attempted to hide from what she thought was going to be a swarm fans at the Coachella music festival. Yet after a few moments of being just another hipster in a sea of hipsters, Miller seemed disappointed by the lack of attention and considered walking around topless for a few moments.

When It Comes To Celeb PDA, Boob And Crotch Grabs Are Par For The Course

Molly Friedman · 04/25/08 02:25PM

When it comes to celebrity couples making out in public, you'd think all those beautiful people would know how to make a kiss look hot. They manage to do it on-screen with complete strangers, and frankly, a large part of their job is to hook up take after take and make it still look steamy and unrehearsed, right? But as our slideshow-happy friends at Us have shown us, stars are seriously lacking in the hot and heavy PDA department. While some couples (Drew Barrymore and Justin Long) are downright sweet, and some are disturbingly turning us on at such an early hour (Enrique and Anna Kournikova, natch), we'd like to officially ban any future photos of a select few couples getting down and dirty ever again. The good, the bad, and the nauseating, after the jump:

The Top's Cry For Help

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/24/08 04:00PM

One time successful prop comedian Carrot Top has traded in the suitcase of props in for a position as a mall security guard. More specifically, Carrot Top's new beat covers the Third Street Promenade's Abercombie & Fitch. As The Top explained, his rationale for making the move into security was two-fold:
1) It makes full use of his muscles
2) He gets paid exclusively in polo shirts and cargo shorts

A.C. Slater's Stalker

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/22/08 04:55PM

Actress/model Phoebe Price has been looking to increase her exposure and awareness in the media. Since Price isn't known well enough to appear on Dancing With The Stars, she figured that she would do the next best thing. Namely, she would follow former Dancing With The Stars contestant Mario Lopez. Price discovered that photographers would often follow Mario Lopez around and figured it wouldn't be that hard to up her profile by having her photo taken as well, just as long as she remains five to ten feet behind Lopez at all times. Mission accomplished.

We Must Protect The Gyllenhaal!

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/17/08 02:05PM

In addition to the regular team of assistants, Jake Gyllenhaal has employed a personal umbrella holder on the set of Nailed. Using his iPhone, the Brokeback Mountain star discovered that there was a slight chance of rain in the forecast for Columbia, South Carolina and did not want to take the risk of getting wet in the short distance between his trailer and set.