
Food Network Courts Spew-Ready, Binge-Eating Demo With 'Eat the Clock'

STV · 08/18/08 07:05PM

As proven by the longevity of G4's spew opus Hurl! (eight weeks yesterday!), television has finally reached that crucial cultural point where America's taste for swampy gastric drama may yet outstrip its taste for... well, taste. To wit, even the Food Network — our Moms' favorite leisure-time destination — is ready to push its programming to levels of guttural extremity unseen since Iron Chef Sakai wore a necklace of calf intestines to a climactic tasting in 1999:

Lying Chef, Lying Governor Supported By Nobodies, Nuts

Hamilton Nolan · 03/12/08 08:45AM

No matter how scandalous the situations that public figures find themselves in, it seems that there will always be some people willing to rise to their defense. Groups have sprung up to save the careers of both scandalized hooker patron/ Governor Eliot Spitzer, and disgraced former Food Network celebrity chef Robert Irvine, who was outed as a big fat liar and subsequently fired. Both those guys can use all the help they can get. Unfortunately for them, the types of people who form ad hoc online groups in support of fallen idols always seem to be non-influential nutcases (like Democrats!).

Investigation Finds "Iron Chef" Is A Television Show

Hamilton Nolan · 02/20/08 05:11PM

Orgasm vs. Foodgasm

Chris Mohney · 08/03/06 05:35PM

Where else would you go for the latest in orgasm reference than Details? Featuring almost as many male porn stars as their regular editorial sections, "Orgasm or Excellent Marinara?" challenges you to the tell the difference between various filmic petit morts and innocent ecstasy as experienced by Food Network hosts. In both cases, the ersatz enthusiasm is commendable. Thankfully, Mario Batali keeps his clothes on.