
Hamilton Nolan · 08/14/14 01:40PM

Burger King is quietly phasing out its lower-calorie "Satisfries" after less than a year, because—let's face it—this is America.

Americans Demand See-Thru Packaging, Or Else

Hamilton Nolan · 08/13/14 03:21PM

Americans don't trust anything they can't see with their own two eyes, except for government assurances of nefarious activities by strategically hated foreign enemies. That's why see-thru packaging is now "a must" for all American garbage foodstuffs.

Why No Fried Fruit?

Hamilton Nolan · 08/12/14 03:36PM

Fried chicken. Fried fish. Fried potatoes. Fried vegetables. Fried dough. All popular staples of the American diet. Hey guys, one question: why no fried fruit?

Irrigating the (Food) Desert: A Tale of Gentrification in D.C.

Vann R. Newkirk II · 08/11/14 11:00AM

The Safeway on Georgia Ave. and Randolph was a disaster. Rotten meat regularly rested on refrigerated shelves and the stench spilled into the parking lot. Several floor tiles were broken or missing altogether. Produce was wilted or soft on good days and spoiled or moldy on bad days. Shopping carts were often broken down and covered in sticky grime.

You Can Trust the U.S. Poultry Industry to Keep Itself Clean

Hamilton Nolan · 08/01/14 08:42AM

When you ask Americans what they look for in a tasty piece of USDA-certified chicken, they say, "Less government inspection of this chicken before I eat it." Today, the government has heard your voice, America.

Campbell's Has a New Product For Every God Damn Food Trend

Hamilton Nolan · 07/22/14 09:06AM

Food product conglomerate Campbell's is having a shaky year selling food products, which the company blames on a "seismic shift" in how people eat. Campbell's solution: to grab onto every last trendy food trend and ride those babies till the wheels fall off.

CIA's Cafeteria Food Maybe Sucks Because Good Chefs Can't Keep Secrets

Adam Weinstein · 07/17/14 04:40PM

National security wonks this week are wondering: Which U.S. spooks in Northern Virginia put out a classified ad seeking a chef with a Top Secret security clearance? Two things are known: The hiring agency runs the CIA's cafeteria, and CIA workers don't think much of their cafeteria.

Pizza Places Should Not Do Brunch

Hamilton Nolan · 07/14/14 01:04PM

"Pizza" is a popular type of restaurant. "Brunch" is a popular type of meal. For this reason, some pizza restaurants believe that they can serve brunch. Not true.

Water Inspector Demanded Free Food from Bar for Good Reports

Aleksander Chan · 07/10/14 09:21PM

Cynthia Burch, a former water inspector for the city of Atlanta, would make sure your establishment gets a passing score—if you paid her in food. Well, Burch would never actually exactly "offer" this arrangement. Until she was fired, Burch used to promise restaurants that she would cause problems for them if they didn't give her free food.

Is the Cupcake Boom Over? (Yes)

Hamilton Nolan · 07/08/14 08:24AM

There was a time—after Sex and the City glorified Magnolia Bakery, and before carbs were universally considered poison—when cupcakes were gold. Today, as a cupcake chain closes its doors, we must ask: Is the golden age of cupcakes over?

"Crust King's" Shocking Claim: Obama Gorges on Lard

Hamilton Nolan · 07/03/14 03:41PM

Earlier this week, U.S. president Barack Obama defiled this nation's highest dessert office by asking whether White House pastry chef Bill Yosses "puts crack" in his delicious pie crusts. Now, Yosses is speaking out on his struggle for the very first time.