So you bought an Olive Garden Never Ending Pasta Pass. We understand, and there's no reason to be embarrassed. The prospect of all those noodles—all that oil, all that sauce—was too tempting, but now, after a period of sober reflection, you realize you've made a mistake. Unfortunately for you, there's no turning back.

On eBay, there are dozens of pasta passes for sale, some asking for as much as three times the original $100 asking price. Some of these sellers were out to make a buck from the beginning, we're sure, but maybe some of them couldn't handle the shame. Today, the casual Italian chain restaurant issued a statement: You made your filthy scampi bowl, you perverts, now eat it.

From CNN:

The restaurant is working with eBay to inform users bidding for the coveted "Never Ending Pasta Pass" that the passes can't be resold.

"We're a hospitality company, so we're going to make things right," said Gray. She added that the passes are "personalized" with the original buyer's name, so no one else can use them.

Mangia! Mangia!

[Image via Olive Garden]