
A One-Bar Town in South Dakota Could Be Yours for $400,000

Dayna Evans · 06/29/14 01:15PM

Swett, South Dakota might not have the most glamorous-sounding name, nor much more than a "bar, workshop, three trailers, and a single house," but if you're in the market for complete town ownership, you can't beat the price. For $400,000, all of Swett could be yours.

Buy a 6-Foot-Tall Rick Perry Chia Pet

Maureen O'Connor · 09/28/11 05:27PM

For sale for $4500 on eBay: A six-foot terra cotta flower planter shaped like Rick Perry's head. A Texas fertilizer company created Governor Goodhair's chia pet alter-ego during the 2010 gubernatorial election. Cow Wow Liquid Compost also created a chia bust of Perry's opponent Bill White. They then held an "election" to see which "head of state" had better "hair."

Costco's $1 Million Diamond Ring · 04/11/11 08:27PM

Next time you're at your local Costco, you know, buying that 5 lb. box of Swedish Fish, stocking up on frozen shrimp, maybe trying on wedding dresses, and ogling the cut-price flatscreens, maybe you want to pick up a diamond ring while you're at it—a $1 million diamond ring. Yup.

Tiger Woods Is Selling His Yacht

Maureen O'Connor · 03/31/11 11:42AM

And the party comes to an end: After losing an estimated $100 million/year in endorsements and another $100 million in his divorce settlement, Tiger Woods is selling his yacht. "Privacy," the 155-foot vessel Tiger reportedly used as a hideaway during the fallout from his cheating scandal, is on the market for $25 million.

My First TV Station: $550,000

Adrian Chen · 03/15/10 02:59AM

Broadcast channel WMKG-LB, Channel 38 in Muskegon, Michigan, is for sale on eBay. $550,000, equipment included. Buy it and who knows, maybe it will be your first step to becoming the Rupert Murdoch of all of Western Michigan. [NYT]

Life-Auctioning Man is Making a Killing

ian spiegelman · 06/22/08 01:55PM

When Ian Usher separated from his wife, he figured he might as well walk away from his home, his job, his friends, and all his worldly possessions while he was at it. So he put the whole damn works up for grabs on Ebay and the bidding, which started this morning, is through the roof. "The British immigrant to Australia, who said the trigger for his bold offer was the break-up with his wife, had hoped he would attract a bid of 500,000 dollars (477,000 US). Shortly after the seven-day auction began Sunday, a bid of 300,100 dollars for 44-year-old Ian Usher's Perth-based lifestyle was listed on the Internet auction site eBay. By late afternoon, some 40 bids had been made with the highest offer at 650,000 dollars. 'I brought out the champagne at three o'clock when it passed the 400,000-dollar mark,' Usher told the Australian news agency AAP. 'It's unbelievable that it's going up like this so early in the auction.'"

Can We Interest You In A TV Guide?

Hamilton Nolan · 05/08/08 09:34AM

TV Guide, one of America's biggest magazines, was sold a few days ago. Now it's for sale again! Well, not the parts of the brand that have some actual value (the website and the cable program guides and on-demand technology). Rather, new owner Macrovision is looking for a sharp business entity that would like to take the print magazine off of its hands. Cheaply, no doubt! And to the skeptics who might say that buying the money-losing print version of TV Guide without the accompanying web brand would be like buying a cow without milk, consider this: the new editor is looking to achieve "topicality and newsiness, urgency." By doing things like reviewing YouTube videos!

Getty Images: Not A Pretty Picture

Joshua David Stein · 01/21/08 05:23AM

In the advent of the internets, cellphone cameras and perfidious board members, Getty Images is putting itself up on the auction block. After the jump, germane keywords. [NYT]

Pareene · 11/28/07 11:20AM

For sale: Maspeth diner. Low rent, high breakfast/lunch traffic, full inventory included. "Increase earning potential by adding pork products such as ham." Seems like a steal to us! Only real risk is the angry wrath of vengeful G-d. [Rumproast]

abalk · 09/24/07 08:20AM

Are the Forbes family and Bono's Elevation Partners looking to cash out on Forbes? [NYP]