Buy a 6-Foot-Tall Rick Perry Chia Pet

For sale for $4500 on eBay: A six-foot terra cotta flower planter shaped like Rick Perry's head. A Texas fertilizer company created Governor Goodhair's chia pet alter-ego during the 2010 gubernatorial election. Cow Wow Liquid Compost also created a chia bust of Perry's opponent Bill White. They then held an "election" to see which "head of state" had better "hair."
From the Chia Rick Perry's eBay product description:
The shrewd buyer of this iconic planter can plop it in the front yard, proud to show a growing support for the presidential candidate. Or head ‘em up, move ‘em out and circle the Capitol with Rick and his colorful locks in the back of a pickup.
Hmmm, Rick recently stated at a Tea Party debate that he would be offended if somebody thought he could be bought for $5,000. He obviously hasn't evaluated his worth as a gigantic planter. You can secure this bad boy for only $4,500.

This one-of-a-kind marvel can be picked up in Blanco, Texas. Bill White's head is also for sale, if anybody is interested.
Plants are not included. A gallon of Cow Wow is.
For the record, Bill White won the Cow Wow election "by a landslide." He lost the gubernatorial election by 13 points. [eBay, Atlantic Wire, images via VoteCowWow/Flickr]