Fox News Contributor Who Called Obama a "Total Pussy" Suspended for Two Weeks

Fox News contributor and former U.S. Army Lt. Col. Ralph Peters was suspended for two weeks on Monday after calling President Barack Obama “a total pussy.”
“This guy is such a total pussy,” Peters said, after Fox Business Network host Stuart Varney asked him for his reaction to the president’s address Sunday night. “It’s stunning.”
Later, Varney reprimanded Peters for having used inappropriate language, but acknowledged that he could feel his feelings. “I can tell you are super angry, and I asked you what your reaction was, but you can’t use language like that on the program,” Varney said.
[There was a video here]
Elsewhere, the Associated Press reports, Clueless actress and Fox contributor Stacey Dash was also suspended for two weeks, after deeming Obama’s speech an “epic fail.”
“It was like when you have to go to dinner with your parents, but you have a party to go to afterwards, that’s what it felt like,” she said. “I did not feel any better. I didn’t feel any passion from him.”
“I felt like he [couldn’t] give a shit, excuse me, like he [couldn’t] care less. He [couldn’t] care less.”
According to the AP, Fox senior executive vice president of programming Bill Shine said that the language in both cases “was completely inappropriate and unacceptable for our air.” We are left to imagine what Ralph Peters thinks of that.
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