
Beck to Quit His Fox News Show

John Cook · 04/06/11 12:12PM

Emotionally unstable television host Glenn Beck is pulling a Palin and quitting his Fox News Channel show later this year, according to a cryptic and confusing press release published on his web site, The Blaze. (The site is down right now, apparently from all the "Beck is quitting" traffic, but the Google cache is still there.)

How Your Fox News Sausage Gets Made

Max Read · 04/03/11 10:17PM

YouTube user merfitudinal snagged this outtake from Fox News' Saturday media show "Fox News Watch" before it was taken off the website. You may be surprised to learn that cable news talk show discussions are not as spontaneous as they seem! And you may be further surprised to know that cable news channels will edit their talk shows so that their hosts don't look completely ignorant and petty! Then again, you may not. [via Reddit]

Donald Trump Lands a Fox News Gig

Jim Newell · 04/01/11 01:22PM

Sublime television clown Donald Trump's pretend presidential candidacy is chugging along splendidly as it rains gold, laughs, and a deeper appreciation for the surreal across this great nation. It's fun to write about, it's chilling to read about, and it's lucrative for Donald Trump. His Celebrity Apprentice ratings are up, he's getting more headlines than any other "real" GOP presidential contenders, and now he's landed another television gig. This why he's running a pretend presidential campaign, of course, and the con should keep bearing fruit until he suddenly "drops out" of the race to spend more time with his latest family, during sweeps week.

Poor Susan Lucci Forced to Make Out with Fox & Friends' Brian Kilmeade

Richard Lawson · 03/30/11 11:09AM

This morning on Fox News's idiot conspiracy bunker variety hour, the pulsating nerve sacks were talking with veteran soap opera actress Susan Lucci. What were they most curious about? All those soap opera kisses of course! So they asked Susan for a tutorial.

Sarah Palin: 'I Am Through Whining About A Liberal Press'

Jim Newell · 03/24/11 01:55PM

Globetrotting grifter Sarah Palin sat down with Fox News' Greta Van Susteren last night to discuss Libya, her recent vacation, you name it. What she would not spend the whole interview doing is "whining" about the "liberal press," her favorite activity which she's quitting now that she's "made my point."

Fox News' Steve Harrigan: America's Laziest War Correspondent

John Cook · 03/23/11 02:58PM

Steve Harrigan, the Fox News correspondent currently engaged in a war of words with CNN's Nic Robertson while they both cover a war of bombs in Libya, is as lazy as Robertson says, according to someone who's worked with him.

Glenn Beck Might Start His Own Cable Channel

Max Read · 03/23/11 02:50AM

What will right-wing talk show host Glenn Beck do when his contract with Fox News runs out in December? Maybe he will re-sign with Fox. Maybe he will become a hairdresser! Or maybe he will start his own cable channel.

Why Is Fox News Letting Security Guards Do Its War Reporting?

John Cook · 03/22/11 04:20PM

Fox News put its foot in its mouth yesterday by describing CNN's Nic Robertson and other reporters who attended a government-sponsored trip to view bomb damage as "human shields," because a Fox News security guard went along, too. Wait, what?

CNN Correspondent Goes Ballistic Over Fox News Report

TPM · 03/21/11 07:30PM

Click to viewCNN correspondent Nic Robertson has a bone or two to pick with Fox News, which reported today that he and other journalists were used by the Libyan Ministry of Information as human shields, in a successful bid to block a coming, second attack on a compound in Tripoli, supposedly controlled by Qaddafi.

Ann Coulter to Bill O'Reilly: 'Radiation Is Actually Good for You'

Matt Cherette · 03/17/11 08:29PM

On tonight's Factor, Bill O'Reilly welcomed controversial conservative talking head Ann Coulter on to discuss the nuclear crisis currently unfolding in Japan. For some reason, Coulter—pretty adamantly—wanted to let us know that radiation is good for us!

Fox News Chief Is Mad at Sarah Palin

Max Read · 03/13/11 10:21PM

Remember when former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin performed a vlog where she accused the media of perpetrating blood libel ("a false accusation... that religious minorities, usually Jews, murder children to use their blood in... religious rituals") against her? Turns out she asked the advice of the only person on the planet who might have thought that speech was a good idea. And even he said no! New York's Gabriel Sherman writes: