Why That 'NASA Discovers Alien Life' Story Is Bullshit
Adrian Chen · 03/05/11 03:27PMFox News Discovers Health Benefits of Staring at Breasts
Kristina Grosspietsch · 03/04/11 06:20PMBill Keller Is Talking So Much Trash About Fox News
Hamilton Nolan · 03/04/11 10:12AMNew York Times editor Bill Keller spoke in front of the New York Press Club last night in Manhattan. In addition to all of the talk about journalism and the future of the paper and various and sundry dry matters like that (including an unsatisfactory rehashing of the Raymond Davis debacle that gave no indication that Keller had any second thoughts about the way he handled the story), did he get a chance to send a zinger towards Rupert Murdoch and Fox News?
Jon Stewart Exposes Fox's Hypocritical Attitudes Towards Teachers
Matt Cherette · 03/03/11 11:29PMNewt Gingrich Is (Kind of) Running for President
Jim Newell · 03/03/11 03:10PMIt's all happening, people. Newt Gingrich, a politician from the 1990s, is officially running for president! No wait, he's just forming an official presidential exploratory committee! No wait, he's just officially "exploring" a presidential bid! Yes, that last one. That's what Newt Gingrich announced he is doing today.
Fox News Suspends Gingrich, Santorum for 60 Days
Jim Newell · 03/02/11 01:37PMFox News' Bret Baier told viewers late this morning that the network has suspended its "contributor arrangements" with Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum for 60 days while they decide on their possible presidential bids. It's just "Fox policy," and the "suspensions will be lifted on May 1 if they notify the network by then that they are not planning to run."
Fox News Desperately Trying to Portray Madison as a War Zone
Jim Newell · 03/02/11 12:24PMFox News reporter Mike Tobin went on Bill O'Reilly's program Monday night to talk about the evil, violent union thugs who beat everyone up all the time. This is the same Mike Tobin who claims he was "hit" by protesters inside the Wisconsin Capitol a few days ago, which the magic of the Internet has since shown to be a questionable assertion. Still, Tobin sticks to his argument: Unions = Endless violence, everywhere. Bill O'Reilly, for his part, wonders "who's behind the chanting." Perhaps the Muslims? That's our guess.
Jon Stewart Attacks CNN: 'You're Not Even News Anchors Anymore!'
Matt Cherette · 02/28/11 11:26PMIs Fox News Chief Roger Ailes About to Be Indicted?
Adrian Chen · 02/27/11 11:21AMLast week the Times revealed that insane Fox News boss Roger Ailes allegedly urged former News Corp. employee Judith Regan to lie to federal investigators in 2006 about her affair with Ailes' buddy Bernard Kerik, then trying to become secretary of Homeland Security. Is Ailes about to be indicted for this?
Roger Ailes Caught on Tape Urging Ex-Employee to Lie to Federal Investigators
Hamilton Nolan · 02/24/11 12:56PMThink back five long years ago, when hot shot publisher-to-the-stars Judith Regan was embroiled in a huge scandal that was the talk of the media world: after HarperCollins fired her, Regan sued them. In her suit, she alleged that a mystery News Corp executive had told her to lie to federal investigators who were vetting former NYPD chief Bernie Kerik—a man that Regan slept with. Gutted: Making Money on News Is Hard
Hamilton Nolan · 02/23/11 02:55PMDon't These Wisconsin Hippies Know What a Fox Business Reporter Looks Like?
Jim Newell · 02/18/11 06:10PMSo a Fox Business Network reporter went to say "hi" to the protester commies filling the Wisconsin State Capitol today, and you will not believe what happened! The uncivil crowd just chanted "Fox Lies! Fox Lies!" over and over. Why so rude? They must have a problem with the commission of brilliant investigative journalism. Who knows what goes on in the minds of these union thugs, really.
Jon Stewart Mocks the Media's Reaction to Egypt's Revolution
Matt Cherette · 02/14/11 11:20PMPrototypical Member of Liberal Media Elite Writing Roger Ailes Book
Hamilton Nolan · 02/10/11 05:40PMParanoid, vindictive, and possibly insane Fox News boss Roger Ailes has been sitting for interview with every elitist pinko rag in America lately. Now, the bizarre, crowning achievement: New York magazine's Gabriel Sherman is writing an entire book on Fox News, centering on Roger Ailes. The "insidery" media "story behind the story" here is, Gabriel Sherman is not the type one would naturally consider to be a friend of Fox News. Given Ailes' insatiable desire to shoot his mouth off with self-justificatory diatribes, this should be interesting.
Iowa Voters Don't Trust Obama on Egypt Because He's Muslim
Jim Newell · 02/08/11 03:48PMFox News put together a focus group of likely Iowa Republican caucus-goers to watch President Obama's pre-Super Bowl interview with Bill O'Reilly and gauge their reactions. So why were the reactions so negative when he was giving fairly boilerplate responses to O'Reilly's questions about the Egyptian uprising and any potential threats posed by the Muslim Brotherhood?