
Jon Stewart Has Some Questions for France

Matt Toder · 05/07/12 10:28PM

The past weekend's pivotal elections in France and Greece will make some definite waves in Europe. On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart recapped the events and pondered a few lingering questions that just beg to be answered.

French Academic Found Dead, Naked, in NYC Hotel Room

Caity Weaver · 04/03/12 10:46PM

The director of the one of the world's top universities, the Institute of Political Studies in Paris (known popularly and in your French oral examens as Sciences Po), Richard Descoings, was found dead in a New York hotel room Tuesday afternoon. Police have opened an investigation into his death, because the circumstances surrounding it bear more than a passing resemblance to the opening scene of the Da Vinci code, which is to say, they are suspicious.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Charged With 'Aggravated Pimping'

Louis Peitzman · 03/27/12 12:26AM

It's hard out here for a Dominique Strauss-Kahn. First he was accused of rape, then he was questioned about a prostitution ring, and now he's being charged for his involvement. Now, "aggravated pimping" is a hilarious term, but what does it mean legally? Allow CNN to explain.

Arianna Huffington's Global Cocktail Party

Hamilton Nolan · 01/18/12 09:56AM

Celebrity self-justification platform The Huffington Post is launching a spinoff in France called "Le Huffington Post," French for "Another Fucking Huffington Post." Welcome to Arianna's global cocktail party, French people. You only think you're invited.

Mitt Romney Isn't the Only Candidate Who Dabbles in the Wicked French Tongue

Jim Newell · 01/13/12 12:44PM

Newt Gingrich is running yet another attack ad on Mitt Romney in South Carolina, this time simply throwing spaghetti at the wall: He's donated to Democrats, voted for a Democrat once, loves abortion, yadda yadda yadda. Also, Mitt Romney is John Kerry, in that they are both from Massachusetts, where the official language is French. Watch Mitt Romney speak French in 2002, like a fool.

Rule #1 For Kids' Clothing Catalogs: No Naked Men

Seth Abramovitch · 01/04/12 10:54PM

If there's one thing I think that most of us can agree on, it's that the internet can never have too few images of children frolicking in the surf as a naked man lingers ominously in the background. Right? That's just a given. Apparently the memo had not swung around to the marketing team of La Redoute, however, which happens to be the most popular mail order company in France. They posted the above image to their website today, apparently unaware of the offending dong terrorizing thousands of parents just looking for a good deal on swim trunks for their kids.

Lady Faces Jail for Calling White French Guys Mean Name

Hamilton Nolan · 12/14/11 04:55PM

In France, people are all very sensitive about things, and prefer to approach sensitive issues (all) by arguing sophisticated points of serious political philosophy, while making dismissive hand gestures and holding cigarettes. This is why the French are such a bunch of pussies who aren't even tough enough to be involved in several doomed wars of choice in the Muslim world. Le wimps! Amirite?

Obama, Sarkozy Caught Bitching About Israeli PM

Max Read · 11/07/11 11:09PM

What do presidents do when no one else can hear them? The same thing the rest of us do: complain about other people! Like on Monday, when President Obama and his French counterpart Nicolas Sarkozy were caught on microphone bitching about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Christians Stink-Bomb Play That Features a Poop-Covered Jesus

Lauri Apple · 10/28/11 08:51AM

AFP tells us that Italian director Romeo Castellucci's production of the play On the Concept of the Face, Regarding the Son of God features the face of Jesus "drizzled in excrement." The Guardian explains the poop on Jesus' face comes from "an excremental stream pouring from his right eye-socket." Sounds a bit like an extreme version of a Gallagher show!