
Hurricane Sandy Is Here

Max Read · 10/28/12 03:06PM

Apocalyptic Snor'eastercane Sandy is upon the Northeast: flights are cancelled, school is closed, public transportation is shut down, and the supermarket is out of batteries and good soups. Here's a map of Sandy's projected path; New Yorkers, if you're wondering whether or not you live in an evacuation zone, here's a map. We recommend you read the following pieces (and write it all down on a piece of paper in case the power goes out).

Public Transportation Shut Down in New York as East Coast Inches Closer to Apocalypse

Jordan Sargent · 10/28/12 10:12AM

Hurricane Sandy is currently enjoying a nice leisurely Sunday off the coast of South Carolina as she prepares for her jaunt up the coast en route to the finest cities the East Coast has to offer (and, yes, I mean Atlantic City). Current projections show that Sandy should be touching down in South Jersey around 2 a.m. Tuesday morning — she is expected to cross the state into Pennsylvania before heading north through western New York into Canada, where she will presumably stay if Mitt Romney has defeated Barack Obama.

NASA's Time-Lapse Video of Hurricane Sandy is Terrifying, Beautiful

Jordan Sargent · 10/27/12 12:04PM

NASA has released time-lapse footage of Hurricane Sandy — 1/3 of Frankenstorm, this week's hottest buzz band — as it hovered over Grand Bahama Island on Friday. The footage confirms a few things that we already know: hurricanes are terrifying, beautiful and will likely leave you without power for days, forcing you to contemplate reading a book.

How Will You Defeat Frankenstorm?

Caity Weaver · 10/26/12 04:52PM

The likelihood that the East Coast will be clobbered by Frankenstorm (more correctly: Frankenstorm's Monster), perhaps starting as early as Sunday is 90% as of yesterday. Most people here have resigned themselves to the fact that they and their loved ones soon will be washed out to sea, and just as Apple was beginning to experiment with new, excitingly-sized products (bummer).