
Twitter used to solicit votes, hookups, crystal meth

Chris Mohney · 03/02/07 06:00PM

Social connectivity site Twitter has so far not reported to parents any cases of the service being used by K-12 students to request immediate sexual intercourse during school hours. There also appears to be no connection between Twitter users and attempts to stuff the ballot box for the Vlog Hot poll, since all the vloggers on Twitter are losing in their respective poll heats; most likely, this means that all those on Twitter who say they're voting for friends, are lying. The code word for tonight's Adaptive Path party has been confirmed as "tacotruck." Still unconfirmed is the possibility that "tacotruck" is also neighborhood slang for an extremely polluted form of crystal meth also known as "peanut butter," so party attendees should under no circumstances mention both for fear of confusing the vendor.

Church of Scientology in Second Life

Chris Mohney · 02/16/07 03:00PM

FACT: Despite speculation to the contrary, there is so far no evidence that the Church of Scientology plans to establish a huge presence in virtual world Second Life. No secret deals for vast tracts of First Land have been revealed either by the Church or Second Life purveyor Linden Lab. Reports of a massive outreach initiative, involving dozens and eventually hundreds of customized avatars controlled in shifts by Church personnel and sent on conversion missions throughout Second Life, are also unconfirmed. The technology to translate a Scientologist E-meter into a device that can function virtually between two avatars has also not yet been perfected. Certainly, insinuations that the Church of Scientology might have some influence over the inception, implementation, or future of Second Life are, to date, unsubstantiated.