Chinese Sitcom Accused of Being Cheap Knock-Off of American Sitcoms
Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/08/12 03:30PMBeyoncé and Kim Kardashian Are Friends or Maybe Hate Each Other
Caity Weaver · 05/29/12 07:42PM
It's been days since one of Beyoncé's back-up dancers tweeted a picture of herself posing with Kim Kardashian backstage at Beyoncé's triumphant return to the spotlight in glitzy Atlantic City, and the world is still no closer to knowing whether Beyoncé and Kim Kardashian are friends or enemies or frenemies or indifferent or one of them thinks they're friends and the other one is like "I don't know that person" or what.
‘Should Men and Women Be Friends?’ Wonders Canada
Caity Weaver · 05/03/12 11:27PM
Men. Canada is full of them. And women. In almost equal numbers. But should they be friends? Or only sex partners and enemies? These are the questions plaguing our northern neighbors, as evidenced by an article recently published and republished on several of the websites of the country's major newspapers owned by the Postmedia publishing group:
Hipster Racism Runoff And The Search for The Black Costanza
cord jefferson · 04/27/12 06:45PM
Another week, another episode of Girls with no black people, another Gawker Media piece about why it's fucked up to not include black people in your show about New York, another article from angry neocons attacking Gawker Media. The dust Lena Dunham's new HBO show has managed to kick up thus far is remarkable in light of its relatively average ratings. But it's also noteworthy because far fewer people seemed to care when the crimes of which the show is accused happened before—many times. Though it's taken on different iterations throughout the years, the white-ified TV New York City has served as a backdrop for lots of America's most beloved programs, and there is no sign that that trend is slowing. Hate Girls all you want, but recognize that Dunham is following a precedent that started even before she was born.
We’ll Never Get To Meet These Dogs We Couldn’t Have Met Anyway, Because They All Died on the Titanic
Caity Weaver · 04/12/12 11:36PMToday In Funny Tumblrs to Pass Around: Chandler Dances on Things
Leah Beckmann · 04/09/12 03:44PM
It's a Monday afternoon and you could use a little pick me up. You've earned it. Why not take a gander at this excellent tumblr, featuring Ms. Chanandler Bong dancing on various nouns. What fun! There he is dancing on the Pope. Now he's on Nyan Cat. Hey don't look now, but there he is on some Nutella. Ha that Chandler Bing, he's really going for it.
How to Mess With Your Friends, and Prevent Yourself from Being Messed With, on New Facebook
Max Read · 12/16/11 12:30PMWe Are All Separated By 4.74 Meaningless Facebook Friends
Adrian Chen · 11/22/11 12:17PMWhose Facebook Friend Requests Should You Accept?
Brian Moylan · 11/07/11 05:14PM
I've seen two things on the internet today about whether or not people should accept friend requests from certain people. I thought this was an easy decision, but the cowed internet legions out there have turned it into an existential question that needs input from French philosophers. So, here's a handy guide on whether or not to hit "Confirm" or "Not Now."
Weird: Women Like Being Friends With Women
Hamilton Nolan · 10/04/11 12:04PMPair Honor Dead Friend by Stealing His ATM Card
Jeff Neumann · 09/16/11 06:30AM
The night of August 27th must have been bittersweet for Robert Jeffrey Young and Mark Rubinson, of Denver, Colorado. It started around 11pm, when Young stopped in to see his old friend Jeffrey Jarrett, who was going to let Young couch surf at his place for a while. But Jarrett was dead when Young arrived.
Comment of the Day: How Friends Destroyed the Middle Class
Richard Lawson · 09/13/11 05:30PMAndrea Peyser Already Misses That Weiner
Hamilton Nolan · 06/17/11 08:33AMThere's Nothing Worse Than Falling in Love with a Crappy Sitcom
Brian Moylan · 04/14/11 11:32AMFemale? You Probably Hate Your Facebook Friends
Maureen O'Connor · 03/30/11 01:41PM
Coupon company Eversave surveyed 400 women about their Facebook friends. 83% of respondents admitted to being annoyed with friends' Facebook presences. 63% of women said their friends "complain all the time." 41% hated their friends' political views, and 32% were sick of their stupid perfect friends bragging about stupid perfect lives.