
Robert Downey Jr.: 'Fuck D.C. Comics'

ian spiegelman · 08/17/08 09:40AM

Iron Man star Robert Downey Jr. will not be jumping from Marvel to D.C. anytime soon. In an interview with MovieHole.net to promote Tropic Thunder, the dashing actor fearlessly tore the ass off The Dark Knight and the comic empire behind it. "Didn't get it," he said, "still can't tell you what happened in the movie, what happened to the character and in the end they need him to be a bad guy. I'm like, 'I get it. This is so high brow and so fucking smart, I clearly need a college education to understand this movie.' You know what? Fuck DC comics. That's all I have to say and that's where I'm really coming from."

The Uses And Abuses Of "Fuck"

Michael Weiss · 07/28/08 05:07PM

Nothing gets the highbrows blushing with illicit excitement faster than all the varied obscene uses of idiomatic speech. This Masterpiece Lecture on the history of the word "fuck" was presented in college linguistics classes. Harry Frankfurt's clever treatise On Bullshit became a minor bestseller, which wouldn't have happened if he'd written a pocket-sized critique on pure reason. All that stops Hector from feeling scandalized when Dorothy describes a boy as "cunt-struck" in the movie version of Alan Bennett's The History Boys is her indication that it's a compound adjective and Hector likes compound adjectives. Now psychologist Roy Baumeister continues down the path of sophisticated discussions of filthy words by asking, "[S]houldn't the adverb form be 'f**kingly?' As in, 'that was f**kingly ridiculous.'" Him first.

Washington Post Not Brought to You By the Letter F

Richard Lawson · 03/25/08 04:56PM

In a recent article about racy language on NBC, the Washington Post's Lisa de Moraes was forced to come up with new ways to express the letter F. It seems the crusty aristocracy at the Post deemed it too indecent to print the entire acronym MILF (stands for "Annoying Term That Needs To Go Away"), which features prominently in an upcoming episode of 30 Rock. So, unable to use the wicked sixth letter, de Moraes, rather amusingly, wrote around it: "...the staff of the late-night show 'TGS' has become obsessed with a new reality hit called 'MIL[letter that's been deemed too naughty for The Washington Post when it follows M, I and L] Island.'" Hah. [Radosh] May I suggest something more suitable to the dusty snoots at the WaPo? Perhaps MIWER: Mother I Would Enjoy Rogering. Or, even more proper, MWWIWLTTAR: Matron With Whom I Would Like To Take a Turn About the Room. Any other suggestions?

Anthony De Rosa · 03/16/08 09:48AM

The guy you see being taken across the street with the green face paint has, and this is CONFIRMED, been Released. (a few hours ago actually.) Friends of his bailed him out. Bail was set at $763.00. He has two charges against him, but it's expected that they'll be dropped the second he enters the courtroom. Dekalb police step up the repressive factor — Suddenly! Arrests out of the blue. They were arrested for:

1)Protesting without a permit. Which we were told repeatedly by them before the event that we did NOT need a permit.

2)Causing offensive or hazardous conditions. Will upload what the police said to us MUCH later in the protest. Update:

Supreme Court To Rule On Shit, Fuck

Hamilton Nolan · 03/03/08 12:27PM

Vitally important issue alert: The Supreme Court may finally take up the case of when the words "fuck" and "shit" are allowed to be broadcast on network television. The justices could decide as early as today [LAT] to hear a case on whether it's okay for the occasional drunk celebrity to say "Fuckin A-right!" at an awards show, or if that should land the network a hefty fine. The FCC is like, fine the fuckers! But the networks are like, fuck that! It's a true shit storm.

A Lexicon of Contemporary Vulgarities

Pareene · 02/14/08 05:12PM

Emasculating insults! Swears on television! Schoolyard name-calling! Everyone's doing it these days! But why? What does it mean? Who do we blame? Was it the queers who killed civility? Or is everyone just being a pussy? LET'S INVESTIGATE!

Cindy Adams Thinks This Mamet Kid Might Go Places, If He Cleans Up His Language

Pareene · 02/12/08 10:20AM

"David Mamet always sprays the word 'phucque' (the Gaelic spelling) throughout his dialogue. In this production, it's 27 times within the first three minutes. If Mamet ever wrote a religious play, nuns would probably be saying it, too. At the wave of laughter following the line, 'What the f - - - am I going to do with a time share in Aspen? I want to be president,' I toured the whole theater." Cindy Adams—still increasingly mad, still apparently wholly unedited—is under the odd impression that if David Mamet were to write a "religious" play (what is his Faustus adaptation, a sex farce?), it would be about nuns. Cindy! Everyone knows Mamet can't write women! [NYP]