Pat Robertson's Predictably Insane Response to Gay Marriage in NY
Jim Newell · 06/27/11 03:26PMOld grifting fundie fartsack Pat Robertson is getting tired of saying it over, and over, and over again, whenever some gay stuff comes up in the news, so please pay attention this time: The more gay couples are allowed to pick up marriage certificates at the court house and file their taxes jointly, the more likely it is that America's Christian God will destroy our civilization in a fit of rage. Thanks for nothing, Andy Cuomo.
The Gays Are Still Buying Cars
Hamilton Nolan · 03/13/08 09:46AM
Insane fundamentalist Christian group American Family Association has declared victory in a two-year boycott against Ford Motor Company and its "significant support of the homosexual agenda." This, despite the fact that Ford says it negotiated no settlement, and is still involved with groups that work in support of gay marriage [Mixed Media]. It's the "Declare victory and go home" strategy, apparently. The AFA is very opposed to any ads "aimed at the homosexual community specifically." Except maybe ads for [jokey regular product with a gay reputation—suggestions?]! But the truth is that auto ads targeting gays have been standard for quite a while now, in America and internationally. After the jump, some of the most obvious examples.