
Critics Astonished!

mark · 10/24/07 12:10PM

As proven by the For Your Consideration ads taken out in today's Var (click the image for a bigger version you can actually read), whether you're contractually obligated to promote a respected actor's performance in an otherwise forgettable FBI thriller or a moody, serial-killer-related period drama that never quite found traction at the box office, "Nothing Short Of Astonishing!" is this awards season's must-have pullquote.

For Your Consideration: Everyone But Katie Holmes

mark · 11/13/06 01:50PM

A reader just submitted this scan of the Thank You For Smoking awards screener, lamenting that the conspicuous absence of Katie Holmes among those offered For Your Consideration (an omission made even more glaring by the inclusion of pretty much everyone else who spoke a line in the film) almost certainly ruins her chances for a "Least Convincing On-Screen Fucking of the Year" nod at the Independent Spirit Awards. While disappointing, it's not surprising that Fox Searchlight hasn't chosen to back the actress's performance, defined by the scene of clumsily executed, well-clothed carnality that famously and mysteriously disappeared from the movie's Sundance screening ; executives there are probably as put off by the idea of Holmes' Cruise-era, contractually mandated, one-cursory-mating-session-per-billion-years sexuality as we all are, and don't want her baggage tainting the other deserving candidates from their film.