World's Smallest Personal Helicopter
Richard Blakeley · 11/30/09 11:40AMGo go gadget helicopter!
The "Super Glue an iPhone to the Sidewalk" Prank
Richard Blakeley · 11/23/09 05:51PMOh check it out guys! A brand new iPhone 3G just laying on the sidewalk in New York City! It must be your lucky day. Watch what happens when want quickly turns to fail.
Office Backstabbing Just Got Easier
cityfile · 06/03/09 08:50AM
Sure, you could undermine that colleague you despise by spreading lies about them around the company. If you're the more direct type, though, you can now buy a pen that doubles as "tactical defense implement." It was originally designed for "Marines hunting terrorists in burning deserts," reports the company. But there's no reason why it wouldn't work just as well at Condé Nast or Goldman Sachs! [Tuffwriter via BoingBoing]
Midtown NYC Is The Home of 'Buzz!'
Hamilton Nolan · 04/07/09 11:34AMPalm Makes Gadget Reviewers Look, Not Touch
Owen Thomas · 04/02/09 06:37PMDavid Pogue, Better Late Than Never
Owen Thomas · 03/27/09 12:00PMMost Powerful Man in World Gets Most Powerful BlackBerry in World
Owen Thomas · 01/21/09 05:32PMThe Seedy Future of Gadget Porn
Owen Thomas · 01/08/09 06:27PMFinally, You Can Have a Pointless Conniption Fit On the Go
Pareene · 09/04/08 05:30PMMankind's destiny fulfilled: Wireless home HDTV in 2009
Paul Boutin · 07/23/08 02:40PM
Sony, Samsung, Motorola and Hitachi have banded together to adopt Amimon's ready-and-shipping wireless HDTV chips for next year's products. Because the products will have no cable jacks, the new gear will sport a conspicuous logo that indicates it will connect to other devices with the same logo. If you want to play pundit, predict a format war between Amimon's WHDI and SiBeam's WirelessHD, which other manufacturers are tinkering with. But if you want to know who will win, Amimon's technology is already shipping and SiBeam's isn't.
Michael Arrington reviews gadget without actually using it
Owen Thomas · 06/05/08 06:20PM
Michael Arrington has made no secret of his ambitions to off CNET. The TechCrunch editor might want to spend some time studying the ways of his prey, though, before he moves in for the kill. For example: Gadget critics normally spend time with the devices they report on before reviewing them. Citing an embargo he didn't care to observe, Arrington panned the Flip Mino camcorder without ever touching it.
Nick Douglas · 11/19/07 06:52PM
The Ugly Babies of CES
Nick Douglas · 01/12/07 09:02AM10 ways to abuse children with gadgets
Nick Douglas · 12/08/06 02:34PM
NICK DOUGLAS — The Wall Street Journal published a scare-story today on how handheld devices make parents neglect their children. Children "are fearful that parents will be distracted by emails while driving, concerned about Mom and Dad's shortening attention spans and exasperated by their parents' obsession with their gadgets."