
Mexico Shows Us How to Do This Gay Marriage Stuff

Richard Lawson · 08/11/10 10:31AM

You know why certain people are scared of Mexican immigrants? Because they might bring their gay marriage-tolerating with them! Yes, Mexico, or at least the Mexican Supreme Court, is more progressive than the States when it comes to gay marriage.

Umbrella-Wielding Homosexual Activists Ruin Peaceful Family Rally

Richard Lawson · 07/19/10 01:23PM

Watch as gay freaks who want families of their own, and thus hate families, "bully and intimidate" a poor Albany woman who was just trying to sit and watch a National Organization for Marriage rally in peace. She was threatened!

Argentina Votes to Legalize Gay Marriage

Max Read · 07/15/10 03:17AM

After a 14-hour debate, the Argentinian Senate passed a bill to legalize gay marriage, making Argentina the first Latin American country to do so. And gay couples can adopt children. And the steaks there are great. [CNN]

Justin Long and Mike White Are Gay Married and Hating It

Richard Lawson · 06/07/10 10:14AM

Many anti-gay activists want to figure out how to eradicate the frivolous, sex-crazed gay lifestyle. Mike White and Justin Long have the answer: let them get married! In this charming pro-gay marriage video the two actors show how its done.

Laura Bush: Homo-Loving Abortionist

Richard Lawson · 05/12/10 10:12AM

Former First Lady Laura "American Wife" Bush was promoting her book on Larry King's basement radio program last night and confessed to supporting choice and, sheepishly, gay marriage. She disagreed with George on these points, but they never fought. Aw.

Hawaii State House Passes Same-Sex Marriage Bill

Jeff Neumann · 04/30/10 06:44AM

Yesterday, in a vote of 31-20, state lawmakers passed the bill that now must be signed by the governor, who has been noncommittal on the issue. Republican Rep. Barbara Marumoto, who voted in favor of the bill (!) told the Honolulu Star Bulletin: "I don't believe our society will come crashing down if we pass this bill." [HSB]