Cord Jefferson · 12/20/13 07:36PM
The Utah attorney general is requesting an emergency stay to block same-sex marriages in the state pending an appeal of a ruling that Utah's gay-marriage ban is unconstitutional. "I am very disappointed an activist federal judge is attempting to override the will of the people of Utah," said Governor Gary Herbert.
Taylor Berman · 12/20/13 04:17PM
Mary Cheney Says Liz Cheney Is "On the Wrong Side of History."
Gabrielle Bluestone · 11/17/13 02:28PMLacey Donohue · 11/12/13 07:38PM
Cord Jefferson · 11/05/13 05:31PM
The Illinois House just passed a bill legalizing same-sex marriage. The bill now heads to the Senate, which already passed the measure, for a technical change to its effective date. Governor Pat Quinn has pledged to sign the bill into law, thus making Illinois the 15th state (including D.C.) to recognize gay marriage.
Utah: Gays Shouldn't Be Able to Marry Because They "Cannot Procreate"
Sarah Hedgecock · 10/14/13 04:10PMPennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett Thinks Gay Marriage Is Like Incest
Taylor Berman · 10/04/13 10:41AMJudge Legalizes Gay Marriage in New Jersey, Gov. Christie to Appeal
Taylor Berman · 09/27/13 02:22PMGeorge H.W. Bush Is Witness at Same-Sex Marriage
Lacey Donohue · 09/25/13 07:34PM
Former President George H.W. Bush served as an official witness at a same-sex wedding in Kennebunkport, Maine this weekend. The former president’s spokesman, Jim McGrath, confirmed Bush and his wife Barbara attended the nuptials of Bonnie Clement and Helen Thorgalsen: “They were private citizens attending a private ceremony for two friends.”
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is Officiating a Gay Wedding Tonight
Gabrielle Bluestone · 08/31/13 12:00PMJohn Cook · 08/30/13 01:31PM
Same-Sex Married Couples Still Ineligible for Veterans Benefits
Taylor Berman · 08/27/13 04:09PM
Gay married couples are ineligible to receive the same federal veterans benefits afforded to straight couples, according to a letter from the Department of Veterans Affairs. The letter, obtained by the Washington Blade on Tuesday, cites Title 38 of the U.S. Code, which “define[s] 'spouse' and surviving spouse' to refer only to a person of the opposite sex."
GOP Leaders Endorse One Gay Marriage, Anyway
J.K. Trotter · 08/16/13 11:51AMGay MSNBC host Thomas Roberts revealed today that a pair of powerful GOP leaders just swooned over his engagement and marriage to Patrick Abner. Reince Priebus and Sean Spicer, the chairman and chief spokesman of the Republican National Committee, cheerfully congratulated Roberts in 2011 and 2012, just as the GOP cheerfully touted its aversion to gay people.