
Here Are the 29 Representatives Who Changed Their Minds About Marriage

Maggie Lange · 06/26/13 05:31PM

There are, in total, 29 U.S. Senators and Representatives who changed their positions regarding same-sex marriage since it was first voted on in 1996. Of those 29 politicians who no longer support DOMA, 24 signed an anti-DOMA amicus brief earlier this year. Still in office are 43 members of Congress who supported DOMA and continue to do so, as well as 31 politicians who always opposed the measure.

The Long March Up the Aisle: A Gawker Marriage-Equality Retrospective

Leah Beckmann · 06/26/13 04:16PM

This morning the Supreme Court held that the federal Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional, and dismissed California's Prop. 8 appeal, making gay marriage legal in California. A good day for the judicial system, and an even better one for civil rights. In light of today's rulings, we present you with Gawker's coverage of same-sex marriage over the years.

So You Want to Get Gay Married...

Max Read · 06/26/13 02:59PM

In a 5-4 ruling released this morning, the Supreme Court struck down the federal Defense of Marriage Act, granting thousands of married gay couple federal recognition. What does this mean, practically?

Watch Obama Call the Prop 8 Plaintiffs on Live Television

Cord Jefferson · 06/26/13 11:16AM

Kris Perry and Sandy Stier, two of the plaintiffs who brought California's same-sex marriage ban before the Supreme Court, were discussing the court's decision with MSNBC this morning when an unexpected phone call came from on high. The next thing you knew, President Obama was on speakerphone, calling from Air Force One to congratulate the women. Jeff Zarrillo and Paul Katami, Perry and Stier's co-plaintiffs, were called over from off-camera to take part in the president's well-wishing, which was brief but kind.

Maggie Lange · 06/26/13 10:11AM

Here is Edith Windsor learning that her challenge to DOMA was successful. She then immediately called a friend and said: “Please get married right away!”

Master Bedroom, Extra Closet: The Truth About Gay Marriage

Steven W. Thrasher · 06/19/13 02:24PM

Any day now, possibly as soon as tomorrow, the Supreme Court of the United States will rule on whether or not access to civil marriage is the law of the land for any adult couple, gay or straight. If they do rule in favor of marriage equality, they can hardly be charged with being "activist judges," out of step with the average Joe. Instead, they'll be hurrying to catch up with a change in American perceptions on same-sex marriage that has been staggering.

Gay Couple Files Discrimination Complaint Against Colorado Bakery

Taylor Berman · 06/06/13 10:50PM

A gay couple recently married in Massachusetts filed a discrimination complaint against a Colorado bakery that refused to make them a wedding cake for their reception. The owner of the bakery cited his Christian beliefs when he refused the couple's business.

Caity Weaver · 05/13/13 04:41PM

Minnesota’s state Senate just voted 37-30 to legalize gay marriage, making it the twelfth state (second in the Midwest) to do so. The bill will take effect August 1, which is a Thursday, so everyone keep that weekend free.