1,650 Pages of George W. Bush's Skull and Bones Records Are Set to Be Publicly Released
Andy Cush · 05/06/16 11:40AM
Mark your calendars: In July, the National Archives intends to publicly release over 1,000 pages of records from the George W. Bush administration pertaining to Skull and Bones, the Yale secret society that counts both the former president and his former president father as members. If we’re lucky, maybe we’ll learn whether Dubya’s grandfather Prescott Bush—also a Bonesman—really dug up and stole the skull of Geronimo from the Apache warrior’s grave, as Skull and Bones legend holds he did one night in 1918.
George W. and H.W. Bush to Endorse No One in 2016
Hudson Hongo · 05/04/16 09:45PMFamous Two-Word Epithets For Losing Presidential Candidates
Hamilton Nolan · 11/05/15 12:57PMGeorge H. W. Bush Goes In On Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld in Upcoming Biography
Chris Thompson · 11/04/15 11:17PMJeb Bush Should Become a Democrat
Alex Pareene · 10/29/15 09:31AMHudson Hongo · 07/19/15 07:15PM
Former President George H.W. Bush Breaks Neck Bone in Fall at Home
Hudson Hongo · 07/15/15 10:35PMSecret Service Waited 13 Months to Fix George H.W. Bush's Alarm System
Ashley Feinberg · 04/23/15 10:53AMGeorge H.W. Bush, 90, Hospitalized with Shortness of Breath
Hudson Hongo · 12/23/14 10:54PMGeorge H.W. Bush Went Skydiving for His 90th Birthday
Aleksander Chan · 06/12/14 06:34PMKen Layne · 12/10/13 06:41PM
George H.W. Bush Is Witness at Same-Sex Marriage
Lacey Donohue · 09/25/13 07:34PM
Former President George H.W. Bush served as an official witness at a same-sex wedding in Kennebunkport, Maine this weekend. The former president’s spokesman, Jim McGrath, confirmed Bush and his wife Barbara attended the nuptials of Bonnie Clement and Helen Thorgalsen: “They were private citizens attending a private ceremony for two friends.”
Nelson Mandela Released From Hospital, But George Bush Thought He Died
Max Rivlin-Nadler · 09/01/13 11:30AMGeorge H.W. Bush Shaves Head to Show Support for Young Cancer Patient
Neetzan Zimmerman · 07/24/13 05:13PMGerman Magazine Celebrates George H.W. Bush's Release From Intensive Care by Announcing His Death
Taylor Berman · 12/30/12 07:40PM
When George H.W. Bush was released yesterday from the intensive care unit of a Houston hospital, most news outlets reported the event in a straight forward enough fashion, with some even taking the opportunity to compliment the 88-year-old on his excellent taste in socks. Germany's Der Spiegel, however, took a different approach; instead of reporting his improving health, the magazine accidentally published their pre-written obituary for the former president.
George H.W. Bush is No Longer in Intensive Care
MTanzer · 12/29/12 04:26PMGeorge H.W. Bush in Intensive Care, 'Surrounded By Family,' Doctors 'Cautiously Optimistic'
Max Read · 12/27/12 03:30PM
George H.W. Bush is in intensive care at a Houston hospital thanks to a lingering fever relating to bronchitis. He's been there since before Christmas, and the fever has gotten worse, but he's "alert and talking to medical staff" and his doctors are "cautiously optimistic" — an aide tells CBS that the former president "would ask me to tell you to please put the harps back in the closet." And, luckily, Christmas wasn't ruined — he's been visited by his sons Neil, Jeb and George, whom you may have heard of. [WSJ]
Lauren Bush Becomes Lauren Bush-Lauren in 'Western-Themed' Wedding
Max Read · 09/05/11 11:20AMRoger Ailes' Secret Nixon-Era Blueprint for Fox News
John Cook · 06/30/11 12:02PM
Republican media strategist Roger Ailes launched Fox News Channel in 1996, ostensibly as a "fair and balanced" counterpoint to what he regarded as the liberal establishment media. But according to a remarkable document buried deep within the Richard Nixon Presidential Library, the intellectual forerunner for Fox News was a nakedly partisan 1970 plot by Ailes and other Nixon aides to circumvent the "prejudices of network news" and deliver "pro-administration" stories to heartland television viewers.