Conspiracy Theorist Breaks into Colin Powell, Clinton Confidant's Email in Hacking Reign of Terror
Max Read · 03/15/13 10:56AM
The hacker who obtained and released private email correspondence between President George Bush and his family and friends is on a new tear. "Guccifer," who earlier this week took over former Secretary of State Colin Powell's Facebook page, also broke into the ex-general's email account, and the email account of Clinton aide and confidant Sidney Blumenthal.
George W. Bush's Art Teacher Says He's Painted 50 Dogs
Max Read · 03/08/13 05:54PMHacker Exposes Bush Family Emails, Photos, and George W. Bush's Amazing Self-Portraits
Taylor Berman · 02/07/13 11:03PM
After gaining access to the personal email accounts of Dorothy Bush, George W. Bush's sister, and several friends close to the Bush family, a hacker apparently obtained Bush family photos, cell phone numbers, security codes, information about George H.W. Bush's health, a post-election email from Fox New's Brit Hume, and, most amazingly, pictures of George W. Bush's in-progress paintings, which are just as awkward and simple as you'd hope. All told, six accounts were hacked, including emails for Barbara Bush's brother, family friend Willard Hemingway, and CBS sportscaster Jim Nantz, another friend of the family.
Barney Bush Dies at 84 (in Dog Years)
Robert Kessler · 02/01/13 05:50PM64% of Republicans Say Obama 'Seems kind of Squirrelly,' Was Born in Kenya
Robert Kessler · 01/17/13 01:55PM
In America we are all endowed with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of conspiracy theory. In America we are all free. A new study, from Fairleigh Dickinson University, has found 63 percent of registered voters in the U.S. believe at least one political conspiracy theory. That is three in five people.
The People's Princess Jenna Bush Is Having a Baby, Too
Caity Weaver · 12/12/12 11:45AMObama Gets Slammed for Not Attending Daily Intelligence Briefings That Helped Bush Prevent 9/11
Louis Peitzman · 09/11/12 06:47PMThe New York Times' Juicy, Scoop-Filled 9/11 Op-Ed Is Neither Juicy Nor Full of Scoops
John Cook · 09/11/12 12:00PM
Kurt Eichenwald, the disgraced former New York Times reporter whose career went up in flames after he got caught secretly paying thousands of dollars to a child pornographer he wrote about, is on the comeback trail. Today he published an op-ed in the New York Times claiming to have evidence that the Bush Administration is guilty of "significantly more negligence" in ignoring 9/11 warning signs "than has been disclosed." That may be true, but save for a few interesting details, the evidence he presents has been in the public record for nearly a decade.
Desmond Tutu: George W. Bush and Tony Blair Should Face Prosecution for Iraq War
Louis Peitzman · 09/02/12 12:15PMPaul Ryan Supported the Stimulus When George W. Bush Proposed It
Louis Peitzman · 08/19/12 03:02PMHere's a Photo of Subway Jared and George W. Bush Hanging Out
Max Read · 08/10/12 11:12AMMitt Romney Once Called Blaming President for Job Market 'Poppycock'
Louis Peitzman · 08/02/12 10:50PMGame of Thrones Showrunners Sorry for Putting Dubya's Head on a Spike
Neetzan Zimmerman · 06/14/12 07:26AMBush and Cheney Are for Snooping In Everyone's Library Records But Theirs
John Cook · 03/28/12 01:42PM
Libraries, you will recall, are playgrounds for terrorists—which is why George W. Bush and Dick Cheney made sure the that PATRIOT Act empowered the FBI to rummage through library records with impunity and without a warrant, confidentiality be damned. But now that there's a lawsuit seeking records from their presidential libraries, Bush and Cheney are hiding behind the Librarian's Code.
Don't Forgive Gay Traitor Ken Mehlman
Brian Moylan · 11/04/11 04:32PM
It's been a long, strange road for Ken Mehlman, the George W. Bush campaign strategist and former chairman of the Republican National Committee. Last year he came out of the closet. Now he's been named to the Out 100 and it seems all his work against gay Americans has been forgiven. Oh, we won't forget a gay traitor so quickly.
Jon Stewart Lashes Out at Republicans for Opposing Iraq Withdrawal
Matt Cherette · 10/24/11 10:34PMOn tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart cheered President Obama's announcement last week that he'll withdraw all remaining U.S. soldiers in Iraq by year's end, a date originally set by President Bush in 2008. So it was strange for Stewart to see many big-name Republicans, like John McCain and Michele Bachmann, using their weekend to condemn Obama for sticking to a plan that he hadn't even crafted, one that ends a war, no less.
Obama: Troops Will Be Out of Iraq by Year's End
Jim Newell · 10/21/11 12:36PMThe Most Nerve-Wracking Moment of George W. Bush's Presidency Was When He Threw a Ball
John Cook · 09/12/11 12:19PMBy George W. Bush's own account, "the most nervous moment" of his presidency—indeed, of his entire life—was throwing the first pitch at the 2001 World Series.