
The Air Force Tossed Remains of Unknown Soldiers in a Garbage Dump

John Cook · 11/10/11 12:45PM

Day two of bad news for the Air Force's vaunted mortuary affairs operation at Dover, Delaware, where our nation's war dead are lovingly and respectfully welcomed home. Yesterday we learned that the Air Force is known to lose a body part or two on occasion. Today we come to find that for most of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars it disposed of loose unidentified body parts by burning them and throwing them in a landfill.

Madonna on Boytoys: 'More Than Just Sexual, Um, Appendages'

Maureen O'Connor · 11/10/11 11:28AM

Madonna explains what she looks for in a lover. Cuba Gooding's gay makeout partner speaks. Mariah Carey doesn't feel pretty unless she can "feel my bones." Kim Kardashian's former publicist stabs in her the back. Thursday gossip tells all.

Facebook for the Famous

Fast Company · 11/10/11 03:34AM

When Paul Feig, the director of Bridesmaids, was invited to join, a relatively new social network that describes itself as the source for "Photos and videos directly from Celebrities and Influencers," he was sure he was somehow being set up.

Andy Rooney's College Roommate (Almost) Drops Dead at His Memorial Service

Brian Moylan · 11/09/11 05:38PM

Andy Rooney's college roommate, Bob Ruthman, died of a heart attack today while attending the 60 Minutes staple's memorial luncheon at the Century Club in Manhattan. They lived together at Colgate University in the '40s. When you have a bunch of 90 year-olds hanging out together, this is probably a statistical inevitability. And with that, the last two remaining members of the Colgate Class of '43 went out in style.

Match the Quote with the Political Sex Scandal

Jim Newell · 11/09/11 03:17PM

It's time to play Match the Quote with the Political Sex Scandal! Why? Well, why not? The rules are complex, but surely you all can figure it out: You match the name of a political figure involved in a sex(ual harassment) scandal with one of his quotes from the time! See? I knew you could figure it out.

Sarah Jessica Parker Cannot Stop Touching Her Hair

Maureen O'Connor · 11/09/11 01:59PM

At an Australian event for I Don't Know How She Does It (Can you believe they're still promoting that movie?) Sarah Jessica Parker could not stop touching her hair. Noted: Sarah Jessica Parker is an Obsessive-Compulsive Hair-Toucher.

Let's Rewrite Securities Law for Facebook

Ryan Tate · 11/08/11 10:21PM

Two senators introduced legislation to help Facebook further evade a 47-year-old SEC disclosure rule and take on a slew of new investors. Because that's the problem in America lately, you see: Corporations are too well regulated, and we know too much about the inner workings of large, heavily capitalized institutions.

H.L. Mencken Not New Yorker Material, Says Unbearable Little Man

Hamilton Nolan · 11/08/11 11:44AM

In Slate today, Adam Gopnik, the "Adam Gopnik's kids" correspondent for The New Yorker, explains the fine distinctions of New Yorkerania: "compare Mencken and Liebling, often mistaken as twin stylists, and you see the difference between heavy-handed Teutonic mockery and the ideal ironic, stinging, New Yorker tone."

Why Veterans Should Be Angry With Google

Ryan Tate · 11/07/11 05:19PM

Google proudly announced it's launching a special search engine to help veterans find jobs. That's a nice way to support returning servicemen. It's also a sop. The real way Google should help veterans is to pay its damned taxes.

Barack Obama Has Never Met An Alien

Adrian Chen · 11/07/11 04:50PM

Hey, everyone, President Barack Obama has officially not been secretly meeting with aliens. Thank God for the internet, which forced Obama to address this crucial issue.