
Bono's Company Made $800 Million On Facebook

Ryan Tate · 08/17/11 12:29PM

Elevation Partners, which counts U2 frontman Bono and guitarist The Edge as investors, has seen its November 2009 investment in Facebook more than quadruple. And the gains are poised to grow even more.

Pissed-Off Acting Legend Pisses in Aisle of Airplane

Maureen O'Connor · 08/17/11 11:57AM

Gérard Depardieu was on an airplane with 100 other people and had to pee, but the flight attendant said he couldn't go until after takeoff. So the legendary French actor took matters into his own hands: He whipped out his dick and peed in the aisle. No, seriously:

Real Housewives Suicide Aftermath Gets Ugly Fast

Maureen O'Connor · 08/17/11 11:10AM

The death of a reality TV star inspires ruthless rumors. Prince Harry breaks up with his lingerie model girlfriend. Kevin Federline's fifth child is born. Lindsay Lohan goes surfing. Abandon all hope ye who enter Wednesday gossip.

Rick Perry Still Hates the Fed

Jeff Neumann · 08/17/11 07:16AM

Secessionist GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry was asked yesterday about his inflammatory comments regarding Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. You know, the stuff about giving the chairman a Texas-style ass whippin' followed by execution for treason? According to the Wall Street Journal, Perry told reporters in Iowa, "I am just passionate about the issue, and we stand by what we said." So there you go, whiny liberals. That's how Rick Perry rolls.

Citibank Accused of Murdering a Credit Card Deadbeat

Jeff Neumann · 08/17/11 05:33AM

Are you feeling the heat from debt collectors? Or maybe you just aren't sure how you'll make your next credit card payment? Whatever the case, just be thankful you don't owe money to Citibank in Indonesia. And if you do, don't accept an invitation to settle in the bank's interrogation room.

Abercrombie & Fitch Will Pay The Situation to Stop Wearing Its Clothes

Matt Cherette · 08/17/11 03:48AM

Known for hypersexual marketing campaigns with nearly naked teens, clothing company Abercrombie & Fitch is no stranger to controversy—but everyone has to draw the line somewhere. For A&F, that point is Jersey Shore star Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino.

It Takes a Village Person to Change Music Copyright Law

Seth Abramovitch · 08/17/11 03:03AM

Bare-chested cop impersonator Victor Willis, aka the former lead singer of the Village People, is attempting to regain control of 32 songs he co-wrote, including their biggest hit, "Y.M.C.A.," whose catchy melody and acronymous choreography has made it a perennial favorite at everything from basketball games to Bar Mitzvahs.

Larry Flynt Writes Shortest, Orneriest Essay on Online Privacy Ever

Adrian Chen · 08/16/11 03:05PM

Did you know Hustler publisher Larry Flynt has a Huffington Post column? Whereas most celebrity Huffington Post columnists say nothing in as many words as possible, Larry Flynt says nothing in as few words possible. His post today on online privacy is a strange masterpiece of brevity.

Michele Bachmann Wishes Elvis Happy Birthday, on His Death Day

Jim Newell · 08/16/11 01:57PM

Michele Bachmann opened her event in Spartansburg, South Carolina today by wishing Elvis Presley a Happy Birthday! How nice. The thing is, Elvis died 34 years ago today. He was born in January. So all in all, a pretty typical day for Team Bachmann.

Taylor Momsen Retires from Acting

Maureen O'Connor · 08/16/11 12:17PM

Teen angst icon and longtime child star Taylor Momsen is retiring from acting at the age of 18. In an interview with Elle, she says she's all about the music:

Lindsay Lohan Has a 'Huge Crush' on Paris Hilton

Maureen O'Connor · 08/16/11 11:09AM

Lindsay "thinks Paris is the coolest person on the planet," and wants to seduce her. Salma Hayek promises to spoil her daughter. Jay-Z tips $50,000. Tara Reid's mysterious marriage explained. Tuesday gossip yearns.

Real Housewives Husband Commits Suicide

Richard Lawson · 08/16/11 10:18AM

Russell Armstrong, husband of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Taylor Armstrong, has been found dead of an apparent suicide in Los Angeles. His wife filed for divorce last month, and the couple's crumbling marriage was a large plotline on the first season of the show. [TMZ]

Designers Are Furious at the Freeloading Huffington Post

Ryan Tate · 08/15/11 05:32PM

Professional designers have finally had it with the Huffington Post always asking for free shit all the time. You're a publicly traded company now, HuffPo. You can design your own damned logo for politics coverage.

Donald Rumsfeld Is More Transparent Than Barack Obama

John Cook · 08/15/11 03:05PM

After retiring from evil, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld went about writing his memoir, Known and Unknown. As part of that effort, he asked the Obama Administration to declassify a bunch of secret documents from his tenure so he could write about them and publish them on his voluminous online library. Obama said no.

Tara Reid Finally Lands a Rich Husband, But Which One?

Maureen O'Connor · 08/15/11 10:55AM

Tara Reid married one of her rich boyfriends, but even her publicist isn't sure which one. Jessica Alba gives birth to a daughter named "Haven." Kate Hudson debuts baby "Bing." Julian Schnabel attacks his ex. Monday gossip is updated.