Ghost of Tupac Summoned to Remind Us Trump Has Always Been a Dick
Hudson Hongo · 04/20/16 11:45PMPlease Read This Insane Story About a Woman Who Crashed Her Own Funeral After Her Husband Tried to Have Her Killed
Gabrielle Bluestone · 02/05/16 11:04AMAngry Ghost of Meek Mill Roams the Club Unsatisfied, Yelling at Drake Fans
Jay Hathaway · 09/08/15 11:11AMA group gathered at Brooklyn’s Fools Gold’s Day Off party on Monday was interrupted by a strange, chilling occurrence. Though no one of this realm seemed to be performing at the time, a ghastly voice rang out over the venue’s sound system, telling a man in the crowd to puuut dooown his Draaake siiign.
Specter Detector: Looking for Ghosts in New York's Most Haunted Building
Kelly Conaboy · 07/09/15 01:55PMMy Soul Belongs to a Woman Who Burned to Death and I'm Five
Aleksander Chan · 02/19/15 03:00PMAnd now, a spooky story for you: Little Luke Ruehlman of Cincinnati, Ohio, claims to be the vessel for the reincarnated spirit of a woman named Pamela Robinson, who died in a Chicago fire in 1993—at least, that’s what his mother Erika said he told her.
What Started This Mysterious Square Fire, a Ghost? Or What?
Kelly Conaboy · 12/19/14 11:25AMKevin Spacey's Body Inhabited by Spooky Ghosts of Still-Living Celebs
Dayna Evans · 11/01/14 01:25PMOn yesterday's episode of Jimmy Fallon's variety grabbag talkgab television whirlwind, Kevin Spacey came on to play a round of Wheel of Impressions with the former SNL walking laugh track. In his mastery of a number of celebrity impressions, it seemed like Spacey wasn't just playing a game—he became those guys. Listen to how good he does it.
British Man Arrested for Pretending to Be a Ghost In a Cemetery
Allie Jones · 08/07/14 04:33PMLocal Police Confirm This House Is Haunted By Demons
Ken Layne · 01/27/14 05:05PM
A police captain in Gary, Indiana, says he believes a family's claims of supernatural terror in a rental house they've since fled. Levitating children, swarms of flies in wintertime, mysterious footprints, invisible friends, another child "walking backward up a wall in the presence of a family case manager and hospital nurse"—this movie-ready tale even features screaming Catholic priests performing exorcisms.
Venezuelan President Claims Ghost of Hugo Chavez Appeared in Wall
Max Rivlin-Nadler · 11/02/13 10:30AMShocking Ghost Video Shows Ghost Robbing Liquor Store
Ken Layne · 10/21/13 03:00PMThere's a lot of phony ghost videos out there, but this footage from multiple security cameras is perhaps the most shockingly real ghost ever seen. While the entity is clearly visible moving through the aisles and examining the alcoholic beverages offered by the store, the ghost did not actually take any liquor, because ghosts cannot really carry things.
Lost Ghost Hunters Turn Out to Be Lost Meth Makers
Taylor Berman · 08/08/13 08:16PM
If you get lost in the woods while making meth in the the middle of the night, it's probably not the best idea to call the police for help. And if you do call the cops, you probably shouldn't tell them that you, along with your two friends, were out hunting for ghosts. Alas, this is just what a man in North Carolina decided to do earlier this week, a decision that landed him and his two meth-making/ghost-hunting partners in jail.
Biggie Smalls Will Appear as a Friendly Ghost in a New Cartoon Starring His Children
Caity Weaver · 03/12/13 03:40PM
Have you always felt that the Scooby-Doo cartoon series would have been better served by the incorporation of a murdered father character in lieu of the combative Scrappy-Doo? Time to test our your theory, weird kid: The Notorious B.I.G.'s teenage children are set to star in a new animated musical series called House of Wallace —and Biggie will appear as a ghost.
Kate Middleton's First Official Portrait Unveiled; Public Gasps in Horror
Caity Weaver · 01/11/13 03:10PMThe Paranormal Activity Franchise Needs To Die Already, But It Won't
Rich Juzwiak · 10/19/12 10:20AM
Paranormal Activity 4 runs on cheap thrills. After some time set aside for exposition that can be summed up as, "Something weird is going on in a house inhabited by at least one person who is tech-savvy enough to set up surveillance," the movie starts pummeling us with jump scares. If you've ever seen a horror movie, you should be familiar with the jump scare, the trick of a simultaneous on-screen surprise accompanied by a loud sound. These are effective (if always annoying) when used sparsely; in Paranormal Activity 4 they make for a monotonous rhythm.