In the Near Future All of Cable Television Will Involve Ghost Hunting
Ryan Broderick · 01/20/11 11:00AMJimmy Kimmel Talks to Dan Aykroyd About His Belief in UFOs and Ghosts
Kate Erskine · 12/08/10 03:43PMApparently, Dan Aykroyd, writer of Ghostbusters, actually believes in ghosts, and he is even a consultant for the Mutual UFO Network. The audience is clearly unsure of whether or not to take him seriously, and they giggle throughout the interview.
Who Is the Ghost of St. Vincent's Hospital?
Hamilton Nolan · 08/03/10 10:11AMSyFy Presents: Ghost Spiders
James O'Donnell · 08/02/10 03:13PMGhost Hunters International Search for the Real Life Sweeney Todd
Tom Dobrowolski · 07/28/10 02:45PMIn search of paranormal activity, the ghost hunters venture to Colnbrook, England, home of the Ostrich Inn and the mass murderer that inspired the true tale of Sweeney Todd. Avoid ordering the meat pies while staying at this inn.
Confuse Ghosts By Building 950 Doors to Nowhere
Gene Delsener · 06/04/10 02:49PMMaury Needs to Change His Show's Name to the Supernatural Paternity Cheating Fun Time Hour
Mike Byhoff · 01/14/10 04:02PMPeggy Noonan Advocating National Single-Payer Health Care Via Ghost of FDR(?!)
Pareene · 07/31/09 09:57AMDead Man Sells Adhesives
Hamilton Nolan · 07/10/09 09:06AMBowery Ghost Stories
cityfile · 10/23/08 11:47AMLonely Ghost Quietly Watches Happy People Dancing
Richard Lawson · 09/24/08 09:18AMThe Ghost Of Courtney Love Torments Malibu
Douglas Reinhardt · 09/17/08 01:00PM
Click to An ectoplasmic life form in the shape of one time musician Courtney Love terrorized a local Malibu strip mall on Tuesday afternoon. The grunge icon floated from boutique to boutique, leaving behind a trail of fine green viscous goo while on a mission to find a pair of killer boots and jeans. Shelley Jones, an unsuspecting customer, was harassed by the malevolent force and wasn’t too happy about it. Jones said, “I’m trying on these jeans and I’m partially dressed when out of nowhere Courtney Love’s torso pops through the side of the dressing room mumbling something about a size 4 jeans. I didn’t know what to do. I tried to call for help, but what kind of help are you going to get at a snotty boutique?” [Photo Credit: X17] *A Call To The Bullpen is a work of fiction. Although the pictures we use are most certainly real, Defamer does not purport that any of the incidents or quotations you see in this piece actually happened. Lighten up, people ... it's a joke.
"You Are So Full of Bile and Hatred"
Richard Lawson · 04/25/08 05:05PMSteven Spielberg Is Working On A Social Network For Crackpots
Nick Douglas · 03/04/08 12:55PM
Director Steven Spielberg is going to launch a social network this year for people who've seen ghosts and aliens, according to TechCrunch. (This reminds me of my Baptist-school teacher who thought Spielberg's role on earth was to prepare humanity to accept a demon invasion through Spielberg's alien fiction.) This sounds suspiciously like a boring Internet forum, unless this one comes with annoying zombie apps, which would feel redundant really.
Janice Dickinson, Candace Bushnell Haunted By Apparitions Of All The Thousands Of Men They've Bedded
abalk2 · 02/20/07 12:10PMThe Times chose to illustrate their story on the potential XM/Sirius merger. with an A.P. photo of Candace Bushnell interviewing Janice Dickinson for her Sirius show. (RELATED: Does every third-rate lit-celeb have a satellite radio show? And then when do they write?) But as a sharp-eyed tipster noted, "The real story is that two women of a certain age are being haunted by a trendy ethnic ghost with an upturned collar." If we didn't know any better, we'd say it's Ron Galotti. Either way, kinda spooky.