
Ex-Glamour Dudeblogger in More Trouble?

Sheila · 03/19/08 01:17PM

Ex-Glamour dudeblogger Mike Cherico, fired for commenter revolt against his braggy-yet-unstable, womanizing ways, might have been a douche in other ways, shockingly: the PR firm representing JE Englebert, owner of Manhattan clubs Suzie Wong's and Prime, says that Cherico was "using Glamour's name and trading his blog articles for personal hook-ups," such as trying to get into a Playboy Mansion party in L.A. and "demanding bottle service" at one of his clubs in Manhattan. True, false, or strategic PR name-placement? We're not sure. The rep says that "the reason we put this out was we seen (sic) all the news and all the media about how he was treating women very wrong." Word!

Glamour Kicks Edgy Dudeblogger to the Curb

Sheila · 03/10/08 12:18PM

Glamour, that bastion of informed debate about "men, sex, love and dating," had their very own dudeblogger, named Mike (aka the Edgy English Teacher, barf), installed after the demise of the oft-mocked Alyssa Shelasky. Mike is (was?) "32, single, living and teaching in LA and looking for love in all the wrong places..." Like the internet! Today, Glamour had to fire him: "We've read your comments, every single one. Our ultimate goal here is to open a productive conversation... clearly, that can't happen when the majority of readers would like to pulverize the blogger. And so, we've decided it's time to move on; as of today, Mike is no longer blogging for us." It's a old story with a bloggy twist: Mike's readers got fed up with his womanizing ways, and lashed out in the comments section. (Does one of the girls he "dated" respond with gritty details in the comments? Yeah. Yeah she totally does.)

New Clothing Products Allow You To Become As Glamorous As Matthew McConaughey And His Model Girlfriend

Hamilton Nolan · 03/05/08 01:05PM

Happy news for fellas who just like to lay back with a cold one and soak up the rays: Stoner romantic comedy actor Matthew McConaughey is launching his own clothing line, called j.k. livin [Us]. The "j.k." stands for "just keep," and the "livin" stands for the recognition that stressing out over things like grammar can totally kill the leisurely pace at which life should be enjoyed. So far it looks like the line just features a half ass t-shirt, but hey, why worry? In a complementary move, McConaughey's girlfriend, Brazilian model Camila Alves, has launched her own line of astoundingly pricey handbags. Together, these items will bring the pleasures of Hollywood to you, the consumer. Photos of her $1,350 monstrosities, and her man's halfhearted t-shirt/ wristband set, after the jump.

Williamsburg: Gritty

Hamilton Nolan · 02/29/08 01:49PM

What with all those new condos and shit going up in Williamsburg, a bunch of rich Manhattanites will have to be persuaded to cross the river to Brooklyn one way or another. So how about this: Williamsburg is edgy, so we will name our new luxury condominium the "Edge." Further, Williamsburg is gritty, so we will acknowledge that harsh fact in our advertising; but we will contrast it with the glamour which also resides in Williamsburg [Copyranter]. The neighborhood is quite the enigma! Weird, cause the Williamsburg I know is just full of people who remind you of yourself, if you were more annoying. That, and hipster dog parades.

Actually, "Everyone At 'Glamour'" Loves Ashley Baker

Choire · 10/08/07 12:40PM

We heard from a former Glamour employee earlier today, who claimed that everyone at Glamour hated the recently-removed young editor and blogger Ashley Baker. (Ashley lost her job over comments about black womens' hair in the office world, and also woke up this morning to a really odd and sorta fishy item about how Glamour editor Cindi Leive was so enraged by Ashley's behavior.) Now we hear from a current staffer, who paints quite the opposite word-picture.

Choire · 10/03/07 04:35PM

How are women like former Glamour blogger and current People scribe Alyssa Shelasky destroying feminism? By sending out change of contact emails that say things like "I can't figure out how to order a Time Inc blackberry. Me and corporate America are not exactly bff....!" OMG LOL you two are so not but let's go talk about it over manicures and then rehash "The Hills" okay? God, my mother would strangle her with one hand.

Former Mean Girl Repents

abalk · 09/06/07 11:25AM

Didja hear the one about the young writer who got her start as a big bad blogger—until a savage backlash from readers made her reroute her career? Well, check out the October Glamour, in which Gawker alum Jessica Coen calls for an end to the "unmitigated and unintelligent nastiness" you find online. How did Coen's Damascene conversion come about? WWD has the scoop.

Boy Blogger Won't Take Pregsness As An Excuse For Typos

Emily Gould · 08/16/07 04:00PM

Neal Ungerleider is really working at his new blog-job at FishbowlNY to make not-friends. Today, he calls out Glamour preggyblogger Christine Coppa, who we think is kind of sweet and brave and smart (for Glamour—so basically we are saying that she is the one tard in the halfway house who is allowed to use a real butterknife), for spelling a word wrong in an email to his blog. Oh no he di int. ('Di'int?')

Suze Yalof Schwartz Can Suze Our Yalof

Emily Gould · 08/14/07 12:10PM

As you regular readers know, we always welcome your tips! It's a bright spot in our day hearing from you. And if you'd like to direct our attention to something that you yourself have accomplished, well, that's fine! It's okay to toot your own horn once in a while! But you know what's not okay? Being a little bitch like Glamour beauty blogger Suze Yalof Schwartz, who just wanted to make sure we were aware of her hot not-scoop about Ashton Kutcher surprising a random New Yorker by showing up to refurbish his closet, and then got pissy when we didn't run the item.

Alyssa Shelasky's 'Glamour' Fans Have Abandonment Issues

Emily Gould · 07/26/07 05:10PM

So Alyssa Shelasky's old Glamour blog "Alyssacentric" is now being written by a dude who says things like "You know how they say you live and learn? Well, the same be could be said about loving—you love and you learn." And, like ants whose queen just got squished under the sole of someone's Havaiana, the commenters are scrambling around bumping into things and making little high-pitched squeaks of pain. "She's been cheating on us for MONTHS!" ejaculates workoffiction, while LORIKNOWS responds with a more tempered, "Speechless.. kind of. At least we get to see what she's up too [sic]." But Rubykix7's comment is perhaps the most poignant: "I'm sad. I wrote her an e-mail on myspace and she didn't respond. Guess she's too busy." You know, sometimes, Rubykix7, you love and you learn.

Glamour Preggyblogger Poses Nude, Takes The L Train

Emily Gould · 07/12/07 04:00PM

So we're kind of loving Christine Coppa, the 26 year old who got knocked up and decided to keep the baby and write about it for Glamour. But there's just something about the last sentence of today's column that ... epitomizes a demographic/cultural shift with such economy that we felt it necessary to point and laugh? And that sentence is: "Afterwards, I walked to the L train, exhausted but extra tall and holding my bump."

Baby's First Photo Shoot [Glamour]

When A Boy Does A Girl Job

Emily Gould · 07/10/07 01:35PM

Well, it happened. Glamour found someone even more special than our old pal Alyssa Shelasky to blog for them. And: it's a boy! Here is a sampling of his deep thots. "But I won't let the breakup get me down. I am an eternal optimist. If I've learned one thing teaching in South Central Los Angeles, it's that a positive attitude is priceless. As my mother always says, 'If one door closes, two will open.' Thanks, Mom! Am I a victim of some false romantic notion? It doesn't bode well that Hollywood can't even get happy endings right. And worst of all: Am I destined to look like Vince while she gets off looking like Jen? Where have all the happy endings gone? Is there such thing as a happy breakup?" Did he mention that he is a teacher? Oh, he did! Yes, he is an ENGLISH TEACHER. Bury the rag deep in your face, for now is the time for your tears.

Alyssa Shelasky Quits Blogging

Emily Gould · 07/02/07 01:40PM

"Maybe I'm just too good at being single. Maybe I'm just not ready for a relationship. Who knows, maybe I grew up watching too many soaps. These are things I ask myself when I wonder why, after all my relationships, hot dates and hookups, I'm still so single," wrote Glamour specialblogger Alyssa Shelasky in August of 2006. One year and several gallons of Cosmos and a thousand mockings from us later, she's no longer wondering—at least, not professionally. In response to our query, she writes, "Hey, Emily. It's true, I'm going to be working on other projects. The blog isn't going away, there's a guest blogger for the summer, so no worries, you'll have someone new to write about soon. Lucky them. xx." Uh, I just teared up a little?

Alyssa Shelasky Doesn't Know Good Sex And Is Afraid To Ask

Emily Gould · 06/29/07 04:20PM

Glamour developmentallydisabledblogger Alyssa Shelasky may be out in the sultry Hamptons, but as discussed, she's working her core, not her "core." What to do, then? Well, turn to the mailbag. Because there, some poor soul is actually soliciting Alyssa's advice about what to do when a dude is a dud in the ol' bedroom-region!

Alyssa Shelasky's Body Is As Fit As Her Mind

Emily Gould · 06/28/07 11:30AM

Curious about what's going on in Glamour tardblogger Alyssa Shelasky's Hamptonsy lifestyle? Look no further than her latest work of blogcraft, which is about how she is focusing less on spinning and more on working her core. Omg, what?? Here's how it begins: "Tried a new workout today. It's called Core Fusion—and it focuses on, well, your core. At first I didn't like it. I was surrounded by a bunch of soccer moms (aka MILFS) and they made me a little uncomfortable. I missed the young, energized, eccentric spin crowd. But it got better. After a few stretches I could feel my muscles responding really positively. I've been spinning so much that it felt incredible to push other parts of my body. It also felt nice to exercise without absolutely killing myself. No matter how many spinning classes I take, I'm still in screaming pain during some of those climbs. With that said, another perk with freelancing is the ability to take care of myself like this. I'll never take that for granted." Are you sitting down? Cause that's not all.