
Urban Carbon Efficiency Could Save Trillions

Hamilton Nolan · 09/09/15 09:28AM

The global discussion about cutting carbon emissions often centers on how much it would cost in the short term. But in the long term, trillions of dollars could be saved.

Hamilton Nolan · 08/04/15 03:06PM

The president’s new plan to fight climate change is modest at best, but it does open the door for states to impose their own versions of a carbon tax—the only thing that will actually work. Hurry up with it before we all die, idiots.

Hamilton Nolan · 06/29/15 03:34PM

A new study finds that melting sea ice in the North Atlantic caused by global warming could ultimately cause Western Europe to get colder. So there will be somewhere cool to go when America becomes a sweltering hellscape.

Old People Gonna Be Dying More (From Heat)

Hamilton Nolan · 06/23/15 09:35AM

Lo! What fresh horrors shall the demon gods of global warming be visiting upon humanity in the near future, according to relentlessly negative scientists? Well, killing grandma, for one.

Animals Bout to Die

Hamilton Nolan · 05/04/15 04:03PM

Herbivores—animals too weak to even kill and eat another, weaker animal—may be in for an “enormous” die-off soon. I suppose this is our fault, also?

Hamilton Nolan · 12/30/14 09:05AM

Thanks to energy drilling operations, northern New Mexico is now covered by "a permanent, Delaware-sized methane cloud."

Kill the Oil Companies Before They Kill Us

Hamilton Nolan · 11/03/14 12:42PM

There is a new U.N. report on climate change. Its warnings are very, very dire. It is time that the public comes to terms with the choice we face: keep fossil fuels in the ground, or face doom. Oil companies, like it or not, must be forced to change or be killed.

What Happens When There's No Insurance for Your Beach House?

Hamilton Nolan · 10/22/14 02:23PM

Climate change is causing rising oceans and more extreme weather. Even as beachfront development continues, beachfront living is growing ever more perilous. What happens when all the insurance companies decide to stop insuring anything by a beach?

Hamilton Nolan · 10/21/14 01:46PM

Here you will find an argument that the city of Miami, which is slowly being slowly eaten by the sea, should encourage more development, so it will have the tax base necessary to pay for the construction of defenses to save those developments from the rising seas. That's that Florida logic.